WAIT- which BTS member’s style do you identify with the most??? Mine is EASILY Jungkook. You’ll catch me walking around Seoul looking like a gothic Korean ninja 😁
Lol it’s a joke, he wears a lot of black 🤣🤣🤣 as do I
OMG if you want post a pic of your favorite BTS member fit! 🔥🔥🔥
have you ever fallen in love with the comments section on one of your tweets? Lol I weirdly wish we were all here in Korea just eating junk food, listening to MOTS7 and fan girling over Bangtan together in my apartment 😆💓💓💓 maybe that’s weird 😅 but I think it would be fun 🥺
I think if I were anyone BESIDES Jungkook style it would be Taehyung bc sometimes I’m fancy 💋😜🔥
This is me and I say JK vibes especially maybe in the first one ???
WAIT. More Breanna JK vibes god collect me 🤣🤣🤣
And don’t be afraid to post your fits on here bc you think you’ll be made fun of or get bullied. I’ll literally kick the shit out of anyone who comes for you guys. NONE OF THAT ON MY ACCT. I got you. 🥰🥰🥰
Alright FINE.....once in a blue moon I’ll pull a Hoseok vibe 🤣🤣🤣
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