For over a decade, I've had access to the treatment that makes my life not just worth living, but possible to live

As long as COVID is endemic, I will not be able to get that treatment. Those of us who are chronically ill want this over more than the "protestors" do.
But I want this over in a way that doesn't wreck the economy, doesn't swamp our medical system, and doesn't kill millions of us.

Those "protestors" in Washington have the luxury of believing you can protest the existence of a virus. I don't.
[cn suicide planning]

A little more than a decade ago, out of sheer desperation, I sent a msg to a researcher at a quatrinary care center. When I got the reply, telling me to come in, I stopped my backup planning for ending my own life – because there was another option.
The "protestors" don't want this over more than I do.
The ways in which chronically ill patients are getting fucked over are too many to count
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