"When are we going to start writing #PostcardsToVoters for ________'s November election?"

None of the candidates with elections in November are in the Get Out The Vote (GOTV) stage of their campaigns this early in the year. That phase occurs after they have...


...completed their voter identification phase. Typically, depending on the sophistication of the campaign and their funding, GOTV won't begin until October, maybe September depending on early voting and/or vote by mail windows.

Postcards to Voters does not give away any...

...of our supported candidates' competitive advantages by announcing names in advance. We won't be able to respond directly to any questions about future candidates until the very day their addresses are made available to volunteers.

Every single week between now and...

...when the November elections start their GOTV programs, though, we will have key postcarding opportunities across the country where the Democratic voter turnout will be critical to secure wins in special elections, runoffs, and so on. Every win, like the one last week...

...in Wisconsin for Supreme Court candidate Judge Jill Karofsky, adds to the momentum of local and state Democratic activists, parties, and donors. There is a very real connection to winning races in April, May, June, and July, for example, to how well their General...

...Election organizing efforts will succeed.

We can't expect that all the ground volunteers needed to achieve winning turnout for November can be recruited and trained in just two months. We can't expect that donors will be as excited to give to their local and state...

...parties if every special election and runoff in the months leading up to November are big losers. So, we will work just as hard every month for this sometimes invisible elections this year because it matters with how excited the base will be to work in the Fall.

Riding the waves of success in the wake of unexpected victories now will give these local and state operations the boosts needed to start organizing now instead of waiting months licking their wounds after a bad loss. This is how we get the wins secured in November.

We help all these disparate Democratic party organizations win these "throw away" elections no one usually cares about so that they're in a stronger position later both in terms of revved up volunteers and more generous donors to fund expansive General Election efforts.

I hope you and the other volunteers will consider that now isn't the time to be focusing on November voter turnout. Now is the time to focus on May election turnout. Then June. Then July. And so on. This is how the Republicans have been working. Concentrating...

...their nat'l efforts to the next city/county/state that's having an election and out-organizing and out-fundraising local Dems who - until recently - haven't had nat'l help.

Thanks for writing with us and spreading this plan to your friends and social media followers.
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