When I joined Google/Angular, we built a toy wx app to explore app shell, PWA, etc. Deployed a non-prod version somewhere.

I will never, ever forget the feeling of that app ending up in a Google IO keynote, being eviscerated by Alex, without so much as a courtesy warning... https://twitter.com/sangster/status/1252037498487713792
...it was "obfuscated" as Framework X but the trace made it clear, and while maybe nobody else knew, I knew exactly which app it was. It was the biggest "fuck you" I've ever experienced in my professional career.
I've watched this happen to teams we supported as well. the folks who built http://code.gov  right before the election. They deployed a non-prod version, and of course got a nastygram about it. We reached out, gave them some advice but it took an act of congress to deploy
Nobody - literally nobody, from the noobiest noob to well supported framework teams at FAANG companies wants to built bad (or complex, or slow, or whatever) software. Screaming at them like they are fucking idiots helps NOBODY.
There are constraints. Budgets. Nuance. This shit is fucking hard. We're all literally making it up as we go. We live in an imperfect world, and you are going to ship imperfect software.
I will miss a lot. I'll miss getting to help developers every day. I was lucky enough to be in a privileged place like Google and get to spend all my time thinking about it, rather than you know, shipping actual applications.

I won't miss the stress of the responsibility.
Angular, React, and Vue alone support a massive economy. Tens of millions of developers and applications. Billions of dollars. People have literally built their livelihoods around things that yes, often started as science experiments.
If you've watched any talk I did over the past couple of years, I fundamentally agree with Alex about modern SPAs often being the wrong tool for the job, or more often that it's too easy to "hold it wrong".
You can follow @robwormald.
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