like this and I’ll tell you why I’d take you onto the Jeremy Kyle show

...or just a standard opinion bc I’m not creative (yes it’s overused yes it’s 3am no I don’t CARE)
@RelicEh would have you and fram3 on to argue about who snaked you for the SEL S2 playoffs spot 😳😳
@AidN_Rana would definitely be on with wolfie and dutchy’s parents after they find out what you did with them at scotlan 😳😳😳

also has nice hats
@1024stretched would be asking u why you called me a noob in execs that one time before lan and then arguing over who the real father of manchild mV is

also a cool gamer also actually a sound guy under all the big nasty boy stuff you post 🤠
@Elaroseee would be on with me for a lie detector to see if you actually hate me or not for all the abuse and Madeline McCann jokes I fire your way almost every time we’re in the same channel
@gracexbakerx would definitely have an appointment with the lowlifes that steal £10 pj sets and scented candles from the tills
@SeanNugent1499 would be on with me so we could square up and find out who the REAL big dick of 211 is (hint hint it’s not you)

miss you long time but I miss paul more lolololol
@itzcarb0N you would be on with me and it would be an argument of who is the failed clone and who is the original

but I miss resonate and our lan debut but I’m sure it’ll happen again soon 👉👈
@dobbocs would be on with adam9130 for a lie detector test to find out who steam messaged all the egirls on his friends list asking for pics of their toes at epic

pretty chill lad from what I know, pumped me at lan, probably secretly a nerd
@niamhcondron would almost certainly be on for an argument about either that cereal tier list or whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza

probably wouldn’t happen because our sleep schedules are both trashed though lmao
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