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/ First and foremost, I want to say that Tseng's feelings towards Aerith are platonic. He watched her grow up and has a certain duty to protect her, thus making his attempts to "bring her" to ShinRa always end up in failure.
/ Going along with my previous tweet,

Tseng has this sense of paternal instinct when it comes to Aerith as well. He may not outwardly show it, not even to her, but he does so behind the scenes.

He cares deeply about her after he got the chance to get to know her.
/ He actually cares for his Boss, even if he is a dickhead.
/ As closed off as Tseng is, I truly believe one of the closest friends he's had was Zack.

If things hadn't gone the way they did, their dynamic would have been absolutely amazing.
/ so I'm going off from my last tweet in this thread, bear with me. It'll be kinda sad.

Tseng, holds A LOT of guilt and regret from keeping the letters and not being able to give them to Zack. He regrets not being there for him more, not being the friend he was claimed to be. –
– So on the day Zack died, Tseng visits. He'll stay there for hours, spilling his regrets, thoughts, feelings and just updates on his life in general.

He's even thought of reading the letters to Zack, but chose not to because it would feel out of place and he doesn't want to –
– intrude on the feelings of both Zack and Aerith.
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