My son has now gone through 3 PS4 controllers that won’t charge because of the delicate charging port that goes bad.

He is very careful with the cord and charging.

I’m at the point I can’t afford to keep buying him new controllers. 😤
Happy that so many of you have had zero issues with your controls....but it is a known issue even if you’ve never heard of it.

Thank you to those of you that are trying to help me with a solution.
I’m not here to argue about if ps4 or Xbox is better. I have an issue with every ps4 control I’ve ever had. The ports on the control ARE delicate and have known issues. I have tried new cords etc. just because you experience something doesn’t mean other people do.
Please try to be cordial to me and others or I will just delete this thread. I’m ok with discussions but not negativity.
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