I’m going to be ranikg state flags from worst to best.

1) Mississippi

I.. don’t need to explain why.
2) Alabama

If you’re gonna have a Confederate flag, do it with your chest.
3) Rhode Island

This is not even good enough for a toddler’s t-shirt.
“Hope”? Losers. An anchor? Wanna-be sailors? A missing border? Don’t even know how to use Word 97

4) Washington

Hate this slave owning, cherry tree hating motherfucker
5) Wisconsin

This is the worst fucking font I’ve ever seen in my goddamn life. How this got past first edits is anyone’s guess
6) Georgia

Imagine changing your flag from a confederate flag to the battle flag of the confederacy. WOW
7) Hawaii

Tfw when you’re stealing someone’s country, making a new flag, and forget which colonizer you are. We’ve all been there, amirite?
8) Ohio

Harder to fold than a fitted sheet
9) Virginia

That gray thing is a dildo. This is rape culture
10) Florida

Gaudy and racist. What else can we expect?
11) Massachusetts

We should punish the state for this
12) Kansas

AGAIN with the shitty font!
13) Oklahoma

Just can’t keep Indigenous folks out your mouth, can you
14) Nevada

look at all that nasty blank space
15) Delaware

I’m never understood the purpose of making Delaware a state. It’s just a nothing state. And their flag reflects that
16) Tennessee

This flag is so unhappy omg it just makes me want to slit my throat
17) Texas

One of these flags is the Chilean flag. The other is the Texan flag.

Clearly Texas didn’t read the student handbook. Policy 56.7: Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism
18) Pennsylvania

Can someone say “Knockoff Ralph Lauren”
19) Maryland

This shit gives me vertigo, but it gets extra points for heavily attaching its image to steamed crabs and Old Bay
20) Arkansas

I know a confederate flag when I see one! Y’all Cunt McMuffins ain’t slick!

Taking away points for it being ARcanSaw instead of ArKANSAS. As god intended
21) Minnesota

On god, this shit looks like an OPEN 👏🏽 WOUND👏🏽. Just want to pour whiskey on it, Smdh
22) North Carolina

Everytime i look at this, my mind just focuses on NC and then it finds 17, and I giggle
23) West Virginia

Imagine being SO COUNTRY that you use chitlins as a garland on your flag.
I just need to let y’all know that I didn’t study US history, ok? I didn’t care! I will not be correcting anything bc I don’t care
24) Connecticut

You know, I just stared at this one, trying to figure out what why I didn’t like it. And I realized it reminds me of Midsommar
We’re now entering that stage where the flags are gonna have redeeming qualities. From here on out, it’s about originality, character, color scheme, and font
25) Utah

“Industry” is just so fuckin weird. But it’s very on brand for Mormons, so we’ll allow it.

Eagles are really overrated, but I like how this one is fiercely guarding capitalism, it’s frank. The colors pop, it works.
26) North Dakota

Now, before you say “Nylah, Utah’s is objectively better than this one” know that I agree with you. But ranking the ones with eagles requires an attention of detail i don’t care for.

Plus, this eagle is clearly psychotic. Points for chaotic energy
27) Maine

I wish whoever designed this was still alive so I could cyberbully them. But the gay vibes I’m getting are nice
28) Minnesota

“Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law,” would be a good law if they actually believed. MINUS POINTS for being fascist
29) Oregon

Everything here is ALMOST good, which makes sense bc Oregon is ALMOST as good as Washington State but just... doesn’t cut it
30) Nebraska

Now THIS is what Oregon was trying to serve? The colors, the detail (see that train in the background?)
I’m tired, Im gonna go eat chicken
31) Illinois

I am so sick of these basic ass bitches and their tired-ass eagles. This looks like someone designed it on PowerPoint. Do better!
32) Louisiana

Points for picking out a bird that’s NOT an eagle


what is the cornfuck are those drops of blood about?!?!?
33) Kentucky

Love the colors, but what in the Mormon Hell is going on during this exchange???
34) Montana

Strong, decisive, exploitative. A solid American flag. Well done
35) New York

Y’all... what the fuck? Y’all couldn’t do better than THIS?

Always talking SHIT about being the best and you try to serve us this basic bitch plateau? “Excelsior”? And an EAGLE???

Please. Get over yourself, my good bitch.
36) South Dakota

These colors are so classy
37) Colorado

Does it look like PacMan? Yes. Is it cheesy? Yes. Is it made for tourists? Yes. But all that is what makes this a winner
38) California

ICONIC. Only taking points off because the bear is clearly uncomfortable being photographed and planning on escaping/killing captor. CONSENT applies to bears too
39) Michigan

These deer have such big dick energy
40) Wyoming

CLASSIC. ELEGANT. FIERCE. Plus, i went to Howard so this is cool
41) South Carolina

This flag isn’t the best, but I respect it for not being in our face. It’s not overcompensating, and that makes me wet
42) Vermont

UGH. GORGEOUS. This makes me want to go hunting and hurriedly make love in front of the fireplace before my husband comes in to have a nightcap with my lover, bc they’re business partners but the plot twist is that I’m carrying his love child
43) New Jersey

This headless horse is inspired by the Headless Horseman, which makes it goth
44) Iowa

I fucked up y’all, this cow vomit should have been wayyyyy at the top of the list
45) Indiana

I did it again, I’m truly ashamed
46) Idaho

omg this is sooooo embarrassing, where are these fugly bitches COMING from
47) New Hampshire

Omg, they’re just coming out like diarrhea
48) Alaska

I love this bc it’s like horoscopes
49) New Mexico

I MEAN......

Lol This is just a closeup pic of my left nipple

The winner is...

For having the most commie states flag in American history! Well done, you!
If rich people are reading this pls Venmo me, you don’t know how much labor it was to watch Big Love and make this thread and pause for chicken
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