University presses are amazing, so I continue my seasonal celebration of the @aupresses community and other scholarly publishers with a thread highlighting #Fall2020 catalogs and some wonderful #ReadUP offerings at the top of my TBR list: 
You can find the #Spring2020 list of catalogs and recommendations of @aupresses members + others here:
One of the most exciting catalogs of each season is @VersoBooks's. The #Fall2020 catalog celebrates their 50th anniversary!
Next up is the #Fall2020 catalog from @WSUPress, a powerful in local publishing and with a major lists in film, fairy tale, Jewish, and African American studies. Also, birbs:
One of my favorites each year is the @WVUPRESS catalog. Here's #Fall2020 with a gorgeous cover and a great selection of books:
An important publisher in indigenous and Canadian studies, @UAlbertaPress has also released their #Fall2020 catalog out:
The #Fall2020 catalog from @UCalgaryPress celebrates 10 years of open access publishing. They are an innovator in the field and an exceptional publisher all around:
This year's #Fall2020 catalog from @UNMPress lengthens their reputation for having some of the most well-designed catalogs in the business, and offers an awesome selection of regional, indigenous, and Chicanx/Latinx studies:
Check out the #Fall2020 catalog from @UNDPress, a leader in Catholic studies and philosophy, among other things:
An amazing #Fall2020 catalog with fiction and scholarship from @UPittPress:
That's it for today! Thanks to the editorial, production, and marketing teams, and the authors, at @UofRPress @VersoBooks @WSUPress @WSUPress @UAlbertaPress @UCalgaryPress @UNMPress @UNDPress @UPittPress @lsupress and the @aupresses community generally for bringing #ReadUP joy!
First up today is the #Fall2020 catalog from @msupress, a leader in African and indigenous studies, and with an awesome regional list, too!
I'm most excited about @DFStirrup's PICTURING WORLDS, a study of visuality and sovereignty in Anishinaabe literature, in the @msupress #Fall2020 catalog:
One exciting book from @CornellPress's #Fall2020 catalog is @olaferr's study of American colonization and its "civilizational imperatives" in the Philippines's Muslim South:
And also in the @CornellPress #Fall2020 catalog is @Oldlife's cultural history of Catholicism in the Cold War U.S.:
The first of my @ManchesterUP #Fall2020 catalog recs is @peter_nhs / @pdkmitchell's book on "imperial nostalgia" in post-empire Britain: 
The @ManchsterUP #Fall2020 catalog also bring us an important edited collection on the global history of white nationalism by @TCDHistHum's Dan Geary, @MillaSchofield, and @jsutt: 
Now we transition to the @JHUPress #Fall2020 catalog chock full of things I want to bankrupt myself buying:
First up from the @JHUPress #Fall2020 catalog is @ucsc #Classics prof. Martin Devecka's study of how ruins become ruins and how they come to matter:
Another really exciting book in the @JHUPress #Fall2020 catalog is @OSUEnglish prof. and colleague Michelle Ann Abate's book on #ChYALit written for adults!
Americanists will want to check out @AccusedWizard's history of suburban crisis in the post-industrial US featured in @JHUPress's #Fall2020 catalog:
In a similar vein, the @JHUPress #Fall2020 catalog offers @DinaFainberg's history of US and Soviet journalists during the Cold War:
It's no surprise that the #Fall2020 @Harvard_Press catalog has a lot to offer and the five suggestions below are just the beginning of what you can discover this fall:
First up from the #Fall2020 @Harvard_Press catalog is Tim Harper's history of revolutionary, anti-imperial networks in Asia during the early 20th century leading:
@stjohnscollege prof. Stephen Rosenberg's book on mass consumption and the rise of leisure time--buying things we don't have time for--is a major highlight of the #Fall2020 @Harvard_Press catalog:
@mm1124 returns with a book in the #Fall2020 @Harvard_Press catalog about the manufacture of the nation-state through the creation of ethno-religious majorities and minorities:
Looking at the story of British empire, @PriyaSatia's book in the #Fall2020 @Harvard_Press catalog explores how historians help shape the present through ideological interventions:
And the #Fall2020 @Harvard_Press catalog also brings us @stephenwertheim's history of the U.S.'s pursuit of global supremacy in the wake of WWII:
We continue with @PrincetonUPress's #Fall2020 catalog, another awesome listing of new books that threatens to bankrupt me. But so be it: 
First up in my general recommendations from @PrincetonUPress #Fall2020 catalog is @clcaterine's much-needed guide to leaving academia, a great companion to the work pioneered by @ProfessorIsIn:
An obscure-ish but awesome book I want to highlight from the @PrincetonUPress #Fall2020 catalog is the paperback rerelease of Tales of the Narts, essential mythology from the Caucasus:
Also in @PrincetonUPress #Fall2020 catalog is a history that gives context to the discoveries made with the Rosetta Stone, written for a broad audience, by @Caltech prof. Jed Buchwald and @dianegreco:
Continuing in the vein of trade history texts from the @PrincetonUPress #Fall2020 catalog is @CNERSUBC prof. Anthony Barrett's history of the fire that burned Nero's Rome:
A highlight from @PrincetonUPress #Fall2020 catalog is @ucsc #history prof. and former @AHAhistorians pres. Tyler Stovall's intertwined histories of race, whiteness, and freedom:
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