Deletor G2:
[CONT](RC): During your turn, if your opponent's vanguard is deleted, this unit gets the [PWR] increase of triggers.
[CONT](RC): If your opponent's vanguard is deleted, all of your opponent's front row units in the same column as this unit get [POWER]-5000.
[ACT](VC)1/Turn:[CB(1) & SB(1)], and delete your opponent's vanguard.
[AUTO](VC): When it attacks a deleted VG, [SB(2)-G3s], and until EOT, your opp cannot activate the [PWR] increase of triggers.
[ACT](VC)1/Turn:[CB(1) & Retire 1 RG], and until EOT, opp cannot call cards from hand unless they call 2+ AST. Then, [SB(1)-G3], and delete your opp's VG.
There are still a lot of Deletors in this thread that still haven't received any votes! Let me know what you think to them!
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