
For @Nichola37695318

I'll explain what @realDonaldTrump is doing.
Unlike you, I studied Trump for several weeks. That's why I decided to support him.

Trump lives by two military manuals:

The Art of War, by Sun Tzu.

The Thirty-six Stratagems, by General Wang Jingze.
By following the plans of the two strategists, Trump always wins.

Leftist politicians are by definition too rigid to deal with someone like Trump. Biden just said Trump "punted" by allowing governors take charge of their own states.
The reality is that a centralized national government is completely unfit to deal with crises that require rapid, local responses.

Everybody's apparently forgotten that governors lead the response to natural disasters. They ask for federal BACKUP.
What happened during this pandemic is that the states had no stockpiles of medical equipment, WHICH THEY WERE REQUIRED TO HAVE.

That's like having no resources to fight wildfires.

Trump knew from January 4 at the latest that our country was unprepared.
The CDC was reporting regularly to Trump, and it put a travel advisory on Wuhan on January 6.

But what happened was that NOBODY KNEW how serious the disease is.

Almost nobody understands TO THIS DAY why it's so serious.
The TREATMENT--not the mortality rate--was on track to destroying our medical system.

During any given flu season, about 10 percent of hospitalized patients have to go into intensive care units.

For COVID-19, at least 50 percent of hospitalized patients have to go into ICUs.
And almost all COVID-19 patients in ICUs have to be put on ventilators for weeks.


Half of patients in ICUs are put on ventilators. If we end up with 60,000 deaths, that's close to 100,000 ventilators used.

Trump is being criticized for not telling us that we were UTTERLY SCREWED under normal circumstances.

Under Trump's leadership, we revamped EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of how we fight pandemics.

He HAD to downplay it so that we could buy time.
Look at the run on toilet paper.

That's pure insanity.

Now imagine the president getting up on stage and saying, "WE ARE DOOMED."

Wanting him to do that is just as crazy as the run on toilet paper.
Don't kid yourself.

Trump hauled out chestnuts from the fire.

@Timcast kinds saying that Trump's response wasn't perfect.

Actually, it was. IT WAS PERFECT. You just have to look at the threat we faced and see what could've happened.
Now, why does Trump do things the way he does?

It fools his enemies into destroying themselves.

The Democrats and the press--sorry for the repetition--have exposed themselves as people who will oppose Trump no matter what he does.
Every single day, Democrats and the press are saying to the working class, "JOBS? I SPIT ON YOUR JOBS! Look at my $30,000 refrigerators and my choklit, peasants."

Joe Biden said that Trump is "soft on China."

Think about THAT gem.
The reason the Democrats fall into each and every one of Trump's traps is that Trump is using Sun Tzu and Wang Jingze as his military advisors.

First, Sun Tzu.
"All warfare is based on deception."
"Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline, simulated fear postulates courage, simulated weakness postulates strength."
"Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
And Wang Jingze.
"Feign madness but keep your balance

"Hide behind the mask of a fool, a drunk, or a madman to create confusion about your intentions and motivations. Lure your opponent into underestimating your ability until, overconfident, he drops his guard. Then you may attack."
There's a near-universal inability to understand Trump.

@LindseyGrahamSC does. He's excited because he sees what we're going to become.

Americans have become hooked on form over substance. Trump never offended me even before I researched him.
The notion that he's a boor and impulsive is ridiculous. Almost nobody is smart enough to go back and watch videos of him BEFORE he began running for president.

Since I researched him DOWN TO HIS LAST ELECTRON, I can tell you that yes, he is in fact doing a perfect job.
The response to the pandemic is without question the most astonishing national mobilization in human history.


Trump is doing the same for the economy. He's just not TELLING YOU.
I'm sure that Trump won't mind me saying that I don't read his tweets.

At a recent presser, he was asked about a hashtage on something he retweeted.

"Did you notice it?"

"I notice everything," Trump said.
Trump began preparing for his presidency almost 40 years ago.

He is most qualified person to ever hold the job.

I say this as someone who HATES politics and wasn't even going to vote in 2016.
A final point nobody understands.

Trump has his own pollsters.

All he wants is 270 electoral votes.

And he doesn't give a damn about his "legacy."

He's the real thing. He's fixing EVERYTHING.
The economy will take off like a rocket, and Trump will tear Joe Biden and the Democrats to tiny shreds when he resumes campaigning.

Trump will hit the Democrats over and over and over with their politicization of the pandemic.
And since the Democrats can't perceive the real Trump, they will have no defenses.

Something's going to happen.

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