This is a thread for @fiannafailparty and @FineGael supporters who seem to believe that all their parties need to get serious on climate change is for the @greenparty_ie to go into power with them.

See how many of these Qs you can answer / find policy from your parties on.

This isn't an exhaustive list. I've just come up with these off the top of my head.

Should Ireland go faster or slower in reducing our emissions than the rest of the world?

If the US or China refuse to reduce emissions, should we cut faster or slower as a result?

Would you bet your house, and your children's lives, on a 60% chance?

(The IPCC best case gives us a 60% chance of remaining below 1.5°C with global GHGE reductions of 45% by 2030 and net-zero by 2050)

What percentage of cars will need to be removed (not replaced with EVs) by 2030?

How do we move people around our cities, and especially rural Ireland, without internal combustion vehicles?

If we can't, what is the strategy for concentrating people living in rural Ireland?

How much do we need to reduce the dairy herd by in the next 5 years and 10 years?

Given that all meat produces greenhouse gas as a by-product; what should our diets look like by 2030?

If you don't believe that people will reduce their meat-intake to close to zero, how will we offset those emissions in the long term?

If we don't remove emissions from meat / dairy entirely , then we'll likely need to reduce all other emissions to zero, including those from concrete and other industrial processes.

What should we build with instead of concrete?

How soon do we need to end air travel?

How will people and goods enter and exit the country?

How will goods be moved around the country?

Given that all imports currently require fossil fuels, how will we become food secure?

What will our economy look like without air tourism or fossil fuel enabled imports/exports?

We will need to cut total energy use by at least 33%, how will we achieve that?

(Total energy is all the energy currently gotten from all sources, including petrol and renewables).

What does that need to reduce energy mean for the construction of data centers and new office buildings?

What percentage of the country will we need to re-wild as a carbon sink?

Which areas should we re-wild?

Given that no-one has broken the link between GDP growth and greenhouse gas emissions, how much do we need to shrink our economy by to reach net-zero?

Which sectors should we shrink?

What effect will shrinking the economy have on the workforce?

What will people do with their time if there are permanently fewer jobs?

How will people earn enough to live?

Given that there are many sectors of the economy that can only exist due to fossil-fuels, how will we provide a just transition to the people working in those sectors?

How will we provide a just transition to people currently in fuel poverty, or just generally in poverty?

How will people struggling to make ends meet afford to transition from fossil-fuel cars and gas boilers?

How will we prevent an emissions aristocracy emerging, who can ignore restrictions on emissions simply because they are wealthy?

Given that it is increasingly unlikely that we will prevent global warming of less than 2°C, where should we move the populations of Dublin, Cork and Galway to?

When should we begin moving them?

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