I’m tired of these self centered “celebrities” openly flaunting their lifestyles in front of our faces while telling us to stay home. I can guarantee if their income was cut off or their position in life was in jeopardy they would be the first to say its time to get back to it /1
They are the complete opposite of everyone I know. The way that they think is from another planet. I mean who in the hell thinks it’s ok to video yourself cooking dinner in your multi million dollar home while millions have been laid off and are wondering how they’re gonna /2
keep the lights on? Apparently @Oprah does. Who thinks that it’s ok to flaunt your wealth on a nighttime comedy show when you’re holding the country hostage and all you’re discussing is chocolate and ice cream? Apparently @SpeakerPelosi and @JKCorden does /3
Who thinks that supporting an organization that lied about a pandemic that has killed thousands and thousands and laid cover for a murderous regime by doing an all day propaganda love fest is ok? Apparently @jimmykimmel @jimmyfallon @StephenAtHome and @ladygaga does /4
They tell us that we are all in this together and then you hear the story of @ChrisCuomo not even staying inside when he tested positive and is supposed to be in quarantine. Never mind about 3rd rate comedians like @pattonoswalt and his tone deaf tweets that he’s oblivious to /5
It’s the fact that all of these people will ridicule us because we want to support our families, we want to help OUR neighbors in need. We see our local governments not assisting in a solution but trampling on our rights in a power grab that we might not get back /6
Before I get any kick back about being a Trumpster, just GFY. This isn’t about that and you’ve missed the point. We are a nation that have become so divided that we forgot who we are and it’s become easier to hate the other side than to see what’s right and what is wrong /7
The WHO lied, China is evil, celebrities do not care about you, Trump is not always right, the media (and it’s personalities) have an agenda and believe that they know what is good for you. Stop being a sheep and seek the truth. Find common ground with others /8
Finally, stand up and have a voice for what you believe in. Stop listening to people that tell you what you can’t do...I’m tired of the fear. /end
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