It’s seems like survivor is showing fewer conversations than in past seasons, making tribal council unpredictable.
What are the odds that Kim and Sophie, maybe sarah, have a secret alliance? (1/5)
@robcesternino @stephenfishbach #rhap #survivor
In other survivor seasons, a lady could win by bringing unlikeable or unimpressive men to the final, and it’d still be tough (because sexism)
All of the winners are impressive and like able (no Russell hantz’s)
getting to an lady majority post-merge would be super tricky. (2/5)
I would imagine the men would be paranoid of a women’s alliance. So how could the women put the men’s worry at ease?
Divided alliances with men and women. Make it appear the women are targeting each other. (3/5)
Sarah was adamant to go for Kim. Kim targeted Sophie.
Kim using the idol for Denise made sense in only two ways. She actually wanted Tyson out, or, she’s working for an all lady final. (4/5)
Btw, entering the merge, the women were down on the numbers, now they have a majority.
This theory is improbable, there haven’t been any explicit hints, except for Sandra saying she wanted to keep Denise to keep the women’s numbers high, and yet... (5/5)
What are your thoughts?
Another thing that doesn’t make sense. If @SpradlinKim had an inkling she was in danger, she would have played it for herself.
suggests she knew she was safe. Why would she feel so confident at this juncture? B/c of the secret Sophie alliance.
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