After finally seeing Biden’s insane China-hawk ad I believe even more strongly than I did before that all talk of the Left being able to by some means influence Biden’s campaign is pointless. Biden is going to run a conservative campaign, this is a foregone conclusion
The Left has many thrilling new possibilities as we stride into the post-Bernie future. Getting Biden to run a non-reactionary campaign against Trump is not one of them. The Biden wing of the Democratic Party is committed to its suburban moderate strategy
This is why I’m not that mad at Bernie for not whithioding his endorsement longer to win concessions on Biden’s platform or something. I know that position initially reads as more hardline, but I actually think it’s way too naive about the Democratic Party establishment
Let’s say the Left were able to get Biden to agree to put some of our demands on his website, you think he’d actually campaign on them? He’s going to campaign on nostalgia for Obama and the return of presidential honor and the restoration of American world dominance
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