Hello :) My name is Angie, I've been studying MBTI and cognitive functions for years so I thought I'd bring to you an important thread to cheer you up!


- Victor is an ENTJ and they are /loyal/. When they commit to a relationship with you it really is an investment to them, they have seen you and estimated you as the best use of their time.

- Okay, yes they're also in love but logic and feelings combine here.
- They've already outlined your futures together. They're committed. They've probably already made plans to help you with /your/ future goals as well.
- And marriage to you is most indefinitely in mind.

- ENTJs do not mess around so if you're with one, he wants to keep you. They don't show their vulnerability easy either so...you're already seeing parts that are extremely vulnerable and rarely shown to others.
WHEN YOU TELL HIM "It's over. I don't want to be with you anymore."

- Victor is going to fight. He will not just let go. Connections like this are rare and his love runs deep. He will try to work out the problems and probably won't even accept it as a real break up at first.
- Think of it. Victor is used to working hard for what he wants. This will feel like another obstacle but he will over come it....or so he believes.

- He is there to make to make it work. To compromise. To find middle ground. He is not going to lose you.
- In the midst of this Victor will go through a rough time. He will struggle because he feels like his emotions are controlling him. He hates that.

- He will push forward through work, keep moving as if nothing has changed but the emotional toll will show.
- It will be visible in his face, his voice, but he won't let it seep into his execution.

- When he's alone it will almost be too much. He has to talk to you, to see you, to figure out what must be done. He'll do it. Whatever you need he will find a way to meet it.
When you still tell him it's not enough and that you're leaving him for good. Nothing can change your mind.

- Victor will be crushed. This will effect him deeply.

- He may still call you unexpectedly to "work it out". Even months after your split.
- He will likely stay single for a few years. Waiting until the sting of losing you dies down.

- He may fall into a few unhealthy coping mechanisms. He'll self indulge, trying to bury his feelings. He might even get a bit reckless.
- I can easily see him attending parties and drinking too much, surrounding himself with gorgeous women but feeling absolutely nothing around them. None of them are you.

- He might even fall deeper into his work, unable to stop to sleep. Cause when he stops, he thinks of you :)

- Kiro is an ENFP! These are passionate types who care deeply and thrive in their love;;; โ™ก

- When an ENFP loves you, you become a part of their soul. You are so closely intertwined with them and they adore you. They adore every single detail about you.
- ENFPs are serious when it comes to love although not as serious as say ENTJs. Love to them is something deeply experienced, but ENFPs are very loving individuals. It's easy for them to love others, but rare to fall deeply IN love.
- ENFPs in my opinion will probably handle a break up more easily then other types would. They allow themselves to feel thus moving on in a healthy manner faster and they crave for the new, new connections, new starts...so they can likely find a new way to move on ;v;

- Kiro will be shocked by this. It will break his heart the second he hears it. He will cry and then panic.

- The crying will be unceasing for the next week. He is completely vulnerable and emotionally raw at this time. He sees you everywhere.
- He replays memories where you were happy together and it chokes him up. He feels himself losing the opportunity to make new memories with you. This crushes him.

- At first he will be a whirlwind of emotions. Jumping from logic to feelings. "We can fix this" to crying in his
hands and hyperventilating. He might even make things worse by adding unneeded intensity. He doesn't realize how destructive he's being. He's in a tornado of his own emotions and it's ripping him apart.

- He would blame himself heavily. He would turn it all on him.
- He would be convinced he caused this and that he can't fix it. He will say awful things about himself.

- He won't be seen at this time. He will likely fall into the black emotions he feels and sit in them. Refusing to eat or leave his room.
- The sun you saw in Kiro is no completely eclipsed. Her turns inwardly and while he fights for you he believes he is the cause...and may even begin to think it's better this way. That he doesn't deserve you and this has proven it.
When you tell him you're leaving him for good.

- Kiro will fall. He will fall into depression or some unrecognizable darkness.

- He will distract himself constantly. With work, with people, with ANYTHING.
- He will probably start cleaning his environment. Taking shelter in distracting himself by organizing all the socks he has and mopping the floor four times a day. He wants to feel productive.
- He will probably travel or surrounded himself with lots of people. He might go across the world to get into a new environment or throw himself into parties and invitations to keep himself busy.

- He will move on eventually but it will not be easy. He will spend many nights
crying and looking at photos of you two together, but he will find the will somewhere in him to let you go because if someone can love you better than he can...that's what he wants for you even if it kills him inside :)

*Lucien has been debated as an INTP or an INFJ. I'm in agreement with others that he's an INFJ and since this is also the most popular choice, I'm going with it.*

- This is going to be painful for Lucien. (and you lmao)
- INFJs are incredible souls. They are caring, warm, romantic, understanding, intelligent, their hearts and mind are deep, everything they do, they do with great passion and purpose.

- They over-think...and over-love. When an INFJ falls in love they are captured by
that emotion. It surrounds them like a garden where each blooming flower is a deep-rooted affection for that person. Something they love in you, something they cherish.

- Now imagine asking Lucien to destroy that garden. To take his hands and uproot every flower.
To burn down every blade of grass, cut down every tree with your names carved in a heart.

- That is what it's going to feel like for him.

- INFJs love with all their hearts and likely see you as their soulmate and future spouse which is why this will be gutting for them.
- INFJs value harmony, they desire peace and stability so this unbalance can hurt them badly and make them feel like nothing is safe.
- INFJs have a darkness within them. One they often fight. This darkness is something I as an INFP see as in them as their unique humanity and humility. But this INFJ explains it beautifully here:
When you tell Lucien "it's over".

- He will begin to crumble inside but will hold himself together long enough to attempt a conversation, to try and mend whatever was broken.

- Seeing you in pain will double his pain.

- He will believe it is his fault. He will take
on an immense amount of guilt, believing he has a responsibility to fix this.

- He will seem composed, almost logical in his responses, but his heart will be pounding and his eyes on the verge of tears. He won't want you to see him cry. INFJs don't like to be the victim.
- Breakups are a whole cycle of pain for the INFJ. They're sorry you're hurting, they're sorry they're hurting, they're sorry for all the trouble and pain it causes, they're sorry that they can't be around you anymore, they're sorry you're crying...they're so sorry.
- Lucien will be left in a bit of emotional shock. Meaning when you leave after telling him, he probably just sits there, not fully soaking in what just happened, but it will hit...it will hit like a storm.

- He will be gripped by the darkness in his heart, trying
desperately to keep it at bay so he can fix this...even though he knows there can't be a way to. He loves you so much and he can't imagine being separated from you. Not when you gave him hope for a future...a normal future that he never thought he could have.
A future where he could get married...a future where he could be a father...and have a family...a future where he could know love and not have to hurt people to achieve his goals. That future begins to contort into dust. He is losing everything he has to hold onto.
- He's only thinking about you when he's alone...he just wants to explain, to understand...to do anything to make you happy again.


- Lucien will look completely calm and collected. Like the gentle hush before a tornado.
- He may even smile at you and shake your hand or offer you one last hug, but the minute he is left alone he will shatter.

- INFJs like to feel like their in control of their emotions and prioritize the feelings of others so he will try to shove his emotions out, to bottle them,
snuff them out, every way he can, but it will come out. He will break and cry and rely on no one. He will cry so much his body shakes and he can't breathe and you will never know.

- Then the darkness he fights he will let consume him. He will embrace it.
- INFJs take rejection very hard...and it will likely lead Lucien to think he is unworthy of a second chance. That nothing else waits for him on the other side. This is it. He is all he has now.

- He will never be able to forget you and when he thinks of you even
years down the road, the pain still feels fresh and can bring him to tears that no one sees.

- He has this same reaction when he sees or hears anything that reminds him of you and...there's a lot. He could see your favorite color, smell a scent you wore once, hear your name.
All of these will send memories back to him that overpowers him.

- He will always love you, even if you hate him. He will never be able to stop remembering the garden you created in his heart.

And how he had to burn it down and watch it turn to ash :)))

- Gavin is an ISTP! He's going to be the one to "recover" the quickest, honestly, but.......he isn't really recovered.....his feelings are just hiding under a boulder (help him)

- ISTPs are very independent, adaptive and inventive. When they fall in love they care deeply
about that person. Especially since not many people understand them well and get close to them on an emotional level. Not many people see that vulnerable side.

- When an ISTP is serious, they've already envisioned parts of your future together and want to create a life with you.
When you tell him "I want to break up."

- This will shock Gavin, it will hurt him too, but he won't even realize it at first. He'll be very practical about it. On the outside he'll appear very calm, understanding, almost frustratingly so...like he's TOO okay. Don't be fooled.
- He will be cordial about it. Encouraging you....actually /encouraging/ you to break up with him if it's to do what's best for you.

- He will feel a lot of pain, but ISTPs struggle with their own emotions, he won't really realize in the moment how bad it is but he FEELS it
in his body.

- He'd be focused on your needs.

- He'd continue as normal, to those who don't know him well, nothing is different. He operates the same, but those who know him can see the cracks.

- Gavin starts to feel this emotional static like a TV that's always left on.
- He keeps himself busy with work, taking one job after the other, because when there isn't noise all he hears is that TV...that static...but he's okay...he's okay. Right?

- He starts to wonder where he might have gone wrong...was it stupid for him to be vulnerable to you?
- Are you okay? Are you handling this well? He wonders if it's okay to call you. He drafts a message he never sends.

- If you get mad at him for not having more of a "response" this will confuse and hurt him even more. In Gavin's body he is having a massive response.
It's just not one most people can pick up on. He doesn't understand. He's not going to explode with emotions or beg you to stay. If you say things like "You don't even care! You're acting like you don't love me!" He'll be severely wounded. He does love you...he loves you so much.
- If you get angry at him for not being more emotional, it will start to cause him to conflict more with himself...he will feel so frustrated at himself. So confused.


- Not much changes. Gavin would likely sink into work and distractions.
- He'd want to do something physical, something he can engage in and keep his mind busy, hobbies, work. The static is so noisy...he can't sleep at night.

- He overthinks. "Why did I open up?" "Why did this happen?" He'll want to put a lid tightly on the feelings he has.
- It will sink in about a month later...when he hasn't seen you and weeks and...he realizes what he's lost...that special connection, that unique bond...he'd cry for a while that night, but no one would know and the next day he'd continue on as if nothing was different.
- His goal would be to forget this confusing emotion as soon as possible and to wish for your happiness. To support you as best as he can.

- In the future, he might laugh and say "it was foolish for me to fall in love with her" but...the soft spot he has for you will
never go away. And if you were in any danger he'd still be there to protect you and there will be many days where he'll miss the touch of your hands and the warmth of your body.

- But he'll move forward and keep moving.

Since you've already left him behind :)))
- You have to remember Gavin is independent. He's used to relying only on himself...you being there beside him was a strange and beautiful new feeling, but...he would come back to feeling like "Ah...right...I can't depend on others. I have to depend on myself."
That's it!! Thank you all for reading!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’— If there's anything else you'd like me to analyze and make a thread on, let me know! ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—
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