see i cannot forgive racism. it makes people feel like absolute shit and why would you do that ? it’s very evil and demonic to be racist idc lmfao
imagine how little kids feel lol ? if i feel like this nah fuck off
and i’m not even that dark so deep it ? that’s why black people have to stick together. no one likes us so please let us like ourselves
talking about “i was influenced..” please fuck off. you’re an adult, if you’re old enough to have an actual boyfriend you’re old enough to know what you did was not right/evil, ESPECIALLY with this generation and social media. you wanted attention and you got it.
the same reason i can never look at artistes that “were” racist the same way and why i will forever bring it up lmfao. wdym “you had a completely different mindset at that age”?? are you dumb or are you dumb? if lil black kids at your age could identify and understand racism.....
... what makes you an exception ? what was going on in your brain that you could not identify when you were being racist ? that’s stupid fucking shit. you need the fans because most of you know that without black people, you wouldn’t have a career dkm
you’re now begging and pleading the race
i could talk alll day about this topic. i could talk about how some black men are coons & are willingly being slaves to white women, i could talk about the black women that wanna play superwoman to the whites, i could talk about the people that don’t even give a fuck about.....
..... issues like this and how that makes us our biggest enemy, i could talk about black americans and africans fighting for what reason ??? the police see both of you they do not care if you’re an actual american or here on a visa, you’re dead.
love each other for a sec, think about each other, understand each other ffs stop being our own biggest enemy. we’d talk about the people that give their white friends a “pass” to say the n word. lol stop looking for acceptance from these people. they do not care about you.
more time you’re their friend so they can just say “i have black friends”. say hi to black people please, support their businesses, stick together because this world hates us.
i’m not speaking out of my ass because you see it. you see how the world hates us. you see how the chinese are treating black people, you see how the whites treat black people, you see how hispanics treat black people. do you not get it?? people r KILLING us because we are black.
and it’s madddd because these races are now FIRST to copy our style & the features that they apparently hate so much and they kill us for. wanna have our lips & skin colour lmfao
open your fucking eyes.
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