Somali marriage, on average, is based on women buying into idea that they must slave for love, that their self-worth is linked to number of babies they produce & how well they do in domestic slavery! That is no love or marriage. Reflection of the broken state of that institution.
When the Maana wiifto in dumar liberates herself, challenges society's contempt for her and her contributions, raises the standards, the Araweelo in her takes charge! You have to lead yourself out of the darkness and into freedom, to heal. No one can do that internal work for you
When Maana wiifto fails to liberate herself, she grows to be an old hateful grandmother or mother, eager to pass on the misery to innocent little girls!! The brunt of that broken Maana wiifto is often unloaded on the first born daughters!! First born daughters carry a lot.
What many women don't realise is that we can carry this broken narrative and self-image un or subconsciously! Nothing deadlier than carrying self-harming toxins without realising and holding youself hostage from the life you know you can lead, and deserve!
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