This is a short thread for the entrepreneurs.



I remember seeing a tweet like this a while back (I can't remember who wrote it) and it made me sad.

This wasn't the full tweet though.
It went thus👇
You aren't special, you're just like everyone else. This isn't a bad thing though. It just means you have the ability to sell to everyone since you think exactly like them.
(This was paraphrased)

I don't know what made me remember it but thinking about it made me smile.
You see everyone wants to be that unique person that stands out from the crowd, but we forget that everyone also sees themselves that way as well.

You see if everyone believes they are unique, then being unique suddenly becomes the new norm and no one is really unique anymore.
This isn't a bad thing though.
It just means that you have your target market to sell to.

There is a reason why Telemundo continues to make tons of money despite the fact people say they don't watch it.

It's also the same reason Nollywood keeps producing
The movies we all claim to hate and avoid like the plague but they keep making money.

Do you want to know what it is?
They sold the feeling the 'normal person' enjoys watching on TV.

@ronaldnzimora did a thread 2 days back listing some products you can sell during and after the pandemic to make sales with.

I'm sure you were expecting high-tier products that would cost hundreds of dollars, but that wasn't the case.

Each product was under $30, and they
were very basic. You would never expect them to make you millions, heck, you won't expect the manufacturers to even make much profit from them.

Here's a surprise though, products like that are usually the top selling on platforms like aliexpress and the rest.

Want to know why?
It's because these products are used daily by the everyday person.

They might as well be basic amenities to you and I and that's why they make money.

They target your basic needs and well, the global population of 7 billion has those needs.
You aren't special, but the rest of the world isn't as well.

Use that to your advantage as an entrepreneur.

If you enjoyed this thread, do retweet for other entrepreneurs to read this valuable gem and if you aren't doing so already, do give me a follow for more gems like this.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I wish you a happy Sunday❤
You can follow @PeaceNnamdi1.
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