None the less, there are 3 reasons to think WIV is very unlikely to have leaked the virus.

1.Its SARS-CoV-2 bat virus sample (RaTG13) was from Yunnan, not Hubei: 1000 miles away.

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There are 3 reasons to be take more seriously the possibility of a leak from the WCDC:

http://1.It  is closer to the cluster of early cases around the seafood market.
http://2.It  has a lower biosafety level than the IoV.

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http://3.It  is where Dr Tian Jun-hua worked, who collected hundreds of bats from caves in Hubei province while searching for viruses. See the film he made in 2017:

Up to 155 horseshoe bats from Hubei were used in one experiment.

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Dr Tian Jun-hua has studied viruses in insects, rodents and bats during his career.

He admits to self-isolating twice after being contaminated by a bat during his work, though this was probably in the field rather than the lab.

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It is therefore vital that the Chinese government makes Dr Tian Jun-hua available for interview as soon as possible to explain the conditions under which horseshoe bats were kept in his laboratory, where they were caught and what virus sequences they contain.

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