Since this damned SSPX discussion won't die down, I'm going to say this and back away: the reason people get so upset -- even people like me with no affiliation with the Society -- about these debates, is because the SSPX is so obviously dedicated to teaching the true faith.
I believe they did some things wrong. I believe the consecrations were a mistake. I believe that act stigmatized traditionalism with the "schism" badge, which was only just barely earned.

In the mean time, though, they have taught the true faith and true sacraments/Mass while
the rest of the Church winked at contraception, brought about countless abuses in the liturgy, ushered in Communion in the Hand, oversaw an unfathomable decline in believe in the real presence and Mass attendance, gave us the most watered down garbage, and that's not all.
We have active homosexuals running the Church. Bishops and priests, sure, but not just any - the pope is also SURROUNDED by them. They gave us the damned sex abuse crisis. We have prelates teaching actual heresy with zero consequences and guys like James Martin ESSJAY
traipsing around telling same sex couples he wants them to be able to make out at Mass and he is not only not disciplined, he's REWARDED with a Vatican position. I could list a terrifying number of names and crimes of priests & prelates who've gotten favored status for this kind
of garbage, and the ONLY thing that gets punished is the guys who offer truly Holy Masses and teach the old Catechism.

As orthodox Catholics, I think we should give the SSPX a wide berth. As Bp. Schneider said, their suppression was unjust. I believe that. I believe Rome
has kept them in limbo all this time because to approve them would be to admit that all the crap that's going on in the Church after the council isn't what Catholicism has to look like. It can be the way our great grandparents worshiped.

This debate has raged since 1988 and
it's not going to stop because we're all wasting time yammering about it. It requires a juridical solution, but Rome doesn't want to give one. And frankly, I don't blame the Society for not being in a hurry to trust Rome. I don't trust Rome.
So despite my reservations about the SSPX & their status, and they do exist, I'll tell you what: I'd allow Bp. Fellay to catechize my family in a heartbeat. I wouldn't let Pope Francis do it for a million dollars.

So let's stay focused on the real problems and let this lie.
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