My highlights from

"Niklas Luhmann’s Card Index" by Johannes F.K. Schmidt https://sociologica.unibo.it/article/view/8350/8272

In which Luhmann dreamt of @RoamResearch
2/ "According to Luhmann the collection is a “combination of disorder and order, of clustering and unpredictable combinations emerging from ad hoc selection.”"
3/ "What this compilation immediately illustrates is that it is not a system of order in the sense of an established taxonomy but a historical product of Luhmann’s reading and research interests especially in the 1960s."
4/ "This indicates, accordingly, that the positioning of a special subject within this system of organization reveals nothing about its theoretical importance — for there are no privileged positions in this web of notes: there is no top and no bottom."
5/ "avoid premature systemization and closure" #roamfu black belt
6/ fabricate serendipity through:
- accidental connections
- emerging hubs of connection (check your graph overview)
7/ “Underlying the filing technique is the experience that without writing, there is no thinking.” - Luhmann, Zettelkasten II, index card no. 9/8g
h/t @moreina 🙏
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