. @JoeBiden is already agitating for #worldwar3 as we speak. A war under his administration would mean a draft, something that would destroy the country. All Trump has to say is he won't declare war on China and he'll get four more years easy. This is just sheer insanity from him. https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1251571445248843777
I know a lot of my followers retweet a ton of anti-Trump and pro-Biden material, totally oblivious to the fact that many of them are of draft age for any war that is declared against China for being "responsible" for #covid19. Sheer lunacy.
A war with China, especially one involving military forces, would be world altering in an extremely devastating way. As bad the death count from #covid19 has been and will get, the death count from #worldwar3 against China would be infinitely worse.
China has a billion plus population ready to and able to defend any territory that the US and its co-conspirators would try to invade in such a war. The only chance to pull off such a military action would require a draft to be instituted; the first since Vietnam.
. @joebiden would totally institute a draft if push came to shove. Would Trump? Who knows. Considering he's a draft dodger and considering much of his base is war fatigued, who the hell knows what he'd do. Plus, his business interests in China will put a damper on his actions.
That's the irony really. One of the biggest problems with Trump (his conflicts of interests in office) would be the only thing stopping our world from facing the devastating war against China that is being agitated for as we speak.
The reality is that people ask which is the "lesser of two evils" in this coming election. That's a really hard question to answer with risks of @joebiden starting #worldwar3 because the media and the military industrial complex agitate for it and he succumbs to their pressure.
To me, things like the supreme court don't matter if there's a draft for #worldwar3 because I would not and will not serve. I would rather leave the country than serve in a war crime committing military like ours in a losing war against China.
At that point, I'd be a citizen of another country, so the policies of the US would mean not a lick of difference to me at that point. That weighs on my mind when it comes to my vote. It's not a "privileged" position. It's a position taking into account the lives of billions.
. @joebiden's tweet is a red flag that everyone should pay attention to. If you're prepared to leave your families, friends, wives and children to serve in his war against China, then I question your commitments and where your priorities lie.
It's not too late to push @joebiden out. As every Democrat during the debates said to blunt @berniesanders' momentum; there is a process at the @dnc convention. If you truly want to save humanity, then play the process out and put up someone else as the nominee this year instead.
To do otherwise would put us in a bad situation no matter the result. Either Trump wins reelection (which is the likeliest scenario) or @joebiden sends millions of young men and women to die for the rich because the #covid19 pandemic tanked the stock market and ate their profits.
This is actually the stupidest ad in political history and makes Trump "appear" more progressive on foreign policy than @joebiden. Whoever approved this ad should be fired. Also proves that his intention is starting #worldwar3. https://twitter.com/Politidope/status/1251609321353490433?s=20
The drumbeats for #worldwar3 against China are getting louder by @joebiden and his #VoteBlueNoMatterWho cult. People need to wake up before it's too late. https://twitter.com/matthewstoller/status/1251878883282038784?s=20
This thread may have cost me a ton of followers (or it was a bot purge, which is more likely), but I'm still going to post to this. No successor to Kim Jong Un is an immediate way for #worldwar3 to start as both the US and China seek dominance and control. https://twitter.com/JenniferJJacobs/status/1252426687318384640?s=20
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