I was born with an intersex medical condition which is extremely rare. I had extensive surgery when I was 12, and to this day, continue to live with high androgen levels that cause male features such as deep voice, excess hair growth etc.

Although, I feel very much female, was raised female and never heard of the word intersex until I was 21. I was born with a womb, ovaries and everything else considered 'biologically female'

It has been a condition that has effected fertility, height & everything in my life

I started wanting to speak to people with the same experiences as me because growing up, it was a horrific condition, especially as I went through precocious puberty.

However, I felt extremely disheartened to realise that intersex groups are extremely transphobic

I find this odd, considering we are born very much with features of both sexes and grow up like it too, you would think there would be more understanding and at least, compassion.

There is so much anger in the intersex community and they're projecting it onto trans people

Yes, the surgery is awful and we didn't get to choose being born this way. Some of us had no choice but to have the surgery either and that has it's own implications.

It feels like the intersex community are angry that trans people choose to have genital surgery

You can still have difficulties in your medical condition and not feel as though transgender people are somehow suppressing your hardship. This never actually happens and is just another accusation against trans people.

Now, I feel frozen out of my own sort of community, which is very narrow anyway, because I dont endorse their transphobic views who partner with harmful feminist groups.

@intersexfacts @ClareCAIS

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