The CIA and Mars

A lost history thread
Many of my lost history threads are taken with some skepticism which is understandable. The things which happened in the past are very strange indeed. If you aren’t convinced that is okay. But everything I’m about to talk about now comes from declassified CIA documents.
In the 80’s the CIA were involved in some very strange experiments all involving the power of the human mind. They used many techniques including high doses of psychedelic drugs; namely LSD

Another technique, one that I’m pretty familiar with is called remote viewing
Remote viewing involves a psychic projection that can move through time and space and gather information for the user. It’s similar to astral projection.
The CIA was interested in the potential that this ability had for gathering off planet data.

On May 22nd 1984 they conducted a remote viewing session in which they put instructions into a sealed envelope & gave them to a psychic

The instructions? Go 100,000 years back in time
Go 100,000 years back in time and not on earth, but on Mars. The experiment operates much like a guided meditation if you are familiar with that, the leader giving geographic coordinates to the psychic who then followed them to a time and place deep in the past on Mars.
The descriptions that he gives of the planet and those living on it are very strange but everything is all very much in line with the things I’ve talked about in regards to the past civilizations on Mars. He describes a race of giants who were living in a kind of hibernation.
There had been some terrible cataclysm that had made life on Mars nearly impossible and those still on the planet had moved into these subterranean tunnels. They were sleeping there, sleeping for thousands of years trapped on Mars
They were waiting for someone to return, because some of the had left to go find a new place to live. They had been waiting for so long that most of them had died and those who had left had still not returned to rescue them.
There is something else from the transcript that really stands out to me. There is mention of a spherical craft and also a different place; a different planet with much more vegetation and active volcanoes.
This place he is describing is Venus! Strange vegetation and gas and lots of volcanoes fits the state the Venus was in after their inter-planetary war with mars. In the timeline I’m given Mars is the first planet to fail, their nuclear tests go awry and they destroy their planet.
This is what causes the massive storms that the ones on Mars sleep through in the report. Huge storms that ravage the entire planet, turning everything to dust.

When they went to go find a new place to live the ones from Mars tried to go to Venus
This is how the interplanetary war begins.

I believe the vision he has of the round craft is the construction of the moon transport on Venus, the one that some of the ones from mars snuck inside, the Great ark to preserve all life.
And it’s for this same reason that a millennium later there is now this push to Return to Mars. The Tower of Babel failed, and now Elon musk is spearheading this project to establish a base on Mars. What are their true intentions?
Do they really want to start a colony on Mars? Or do they go to awaken the old ones who still lie sleeping there. To awaken the ancient giants from a time beyond our understanding.

Here’s the document that they declassified. Remember that for every secret that is revealed there are 10 more that they keep hidden. The CIA’s use of psychedelic drugs is a whole different subject that I’d like to get into later.
The CIA has a good understanding of the history of the solar system and their interest in these studies verifies just how important all of this is. If the CIA wants to know what happened on Mars 100,000 years ago so should you.
Here’s one of my previous threads on Mars, thanks for reading
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