Let's talk about #Herd_Immunity, given some recent interviews on the #COVID19SWEDEN strategy have talked about this being 'a result'... is this achievable, sensible and acceptable?
5. Numbers infected: the formula used to determine how many need to be vaccinated to reach #Herd_Immunity is (assuming 100% efficacy):

1 - 1/R0

R0 = 1.5 ➡️ 33%
R0 = 2 ➡️ 50%
R0 = 2.5 ➡️60%
R0 = 3 ➡️ 67%
R0 = 3.5 ➡️ 71%

7. #Vaccine: There are currently 115 #COVID19 #Vaccine candidates, most still at early stages. However, 90% don't make it usually... so we cannot be sure a vaccine will happen, or when it would happen. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41573-020-00073-5
9. #Immunity, #R0, #IFR, #Reinfection, #Vaccine, #Treatment are all uncertain and the data presented often preliminary or single site studies. But, given the above, is a #Herd_Immunity approach acceptable to YOU?
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