I am an introvert. I love people, want them in my life, but I generally lose energy around them, as opposed to gaining energy from them, the way most extroverts do.

We are different, and that's okay. Better than okay. It's good. Let's talk about it.
I imagine that what I feel in nature - getting to wade into a stream, watch birds look for worms, or discovering new flowers in my garden - is what extroverts feel when they get to be around people. It is life-giving. Needed. We can go a long time without it but
it feels a bit like we are dying inside.

I miss my friends and family and church so much right now. But not in the way that my extroverted friends do. Extroverts, how does this social distancing feel for you? How are you doing? What would you like us introverts to understand?
I would like extroverts to understand that my lack of social energy is not a lack of love.

But it's your turn. What do you want to tell us introverts?
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