The Definitions Section of the #DraftEIA2020 is not as benign as it seems. Here is the third case in point: Environment Clearance (EC) v Environment Permission (EP).
Under EIA2006 all projects listed in it need an EC- some with a detailed appraisal, public consultation, examination by an expert committee, and some without.
#DraftEIA2020 has made two categories. EC for projects that need to go through scoping, prepare a detailed EIA report, conduct public consultation, have an expert committee to examine them and those that don't need to do any of these are granted an EP.
Seems only a matter of nomenclature and clarification? But it is not so.
Earlier, only 10 categories of projects were given such vast exemptions. Now there are close to 30- while some are new additions to EIA, several are projects already listed in EIA.
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