Trump has no incentive to increase testing. To him, peak testing means peak COVID. If no cases are tested, then no cases are reported, and that’s all he cares about. Perception and ratings are all that matters.
See? He equates testing with COVID, reality doesn’t matter, only perception.
“Our seemingly inexplicable nationwide dearth of testing capability is in fact explicable: more tests = more confirmed cases, and Trump has told us, straight up...” Yep.
Straight from the jackass’ tweets. No testing = no cases. Because it’s better to have a thousand deaths a day due to undiagnosed reasons.
This thread should not continue to grow, but it will as long as Trump equates testing with coronavirus cases. 130k dead, and it wasn’t the testing that killed them.
Also, 45M tests does not mean 45M people tested. A few mil tested multiple times.
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