(A Thread)
Although it can become a dangerous one if you don’t know how to manage it. The good Slytherin wizards can handle their ambition in order not to corrupt themselves. Those Slytherins who don’t use their ambition in an honourable way are particular cases.
Wizards and witches with this quality have high future expectations and clear goals stablished on their minds, and they don’t stop fighting until they get what they want. From this point, we can tell Slytherins are also persistent, hardworking, and very determined.
This is why they usually get really high in life, becoming great wizards. And that doesn’t mean they need to use evil or discreditable methods to do it.
Just like ambition, cunning might be one of the most famous traits Slytherin wizards and witches have. This attribute makes Slytherins not just persistent and hardworking, but also clever.
Unlike Gryffindors for example, Slytherins always think before acting. They are intelligent enough to analyze the situation, compare their possibilities, think about the possible consequences and choose the best option before letting first impulses lead their actions.
Therefore, they are also prudent and strategists. Thanks to cunning, Slytherins can solve most of their biggest problems easily and act properly according to the situation they are living.
Due to almost all of the traits that the house of Salazar provides its students, including a very notorious amount charisma, Slytherins are predisposed to leadership.
Not just because they often like the idea of leading something, but also because they are amazingly good at doing it. As I said before, they are always motivated to fight for great goals, they are prudent, they have initiative... That’s everything a good leader must have.
We’ll start alluding Merlin himself, probably the best and greatest wizard of history.
We can’t deny Tom Riddle was also one of the most powerful wizards we have ever known. As Ollivander said, he made terrible things, but great.
Not to mention that Slytherins are not mean and classists by definition, as an example we have Horace Slughorn, who sacrificed his pride to help defeating Voldemort and used to value the talent of their students, no matter where they came from.
Yes, before Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors start complaining, let me explain. Helga Hufflepuff was a very loyal, and hardworking woman. Salazar Slytherin was hardworking too, and loyal to his principles.
Rowena Ravenclaw was intelligent and wise. Salazar Slytherin was, as I explained before, also intelligent and his cunning made him a really cerebral person.
Godric Gryffindor was extremely brave and very honourable, but that extreme courage was often getting him into trouble. Salazar Slytherin, according to J.K. Rowling, was brave too, but he did know how to use his courage in a proper way not to get into hassle.
Summary? Salazar Slytherin had a lot of his mates’ traits, like a synthesis of the best sides of each of the other founders’ qualities, plus his own ones.
And also remember: Malfoy loves you 💚
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