Another Saturday. Another story of #neemkarolibaba
Well... this one is one which happened long after he was gone from the physical.
Just last 5 years I think.
Short thread
A French girl was abducted by some fake sadhus/aghoris and enslaved a few years back In Gujarat.
You may wonder what this story has to do with #neemkarolibaba
Read on.
Years passed by. Eventually one day, the French girl escaped.... or maybe it was that her captors didn’t realise ... being high on #charas and #ganja themselves.
But the girl managed to get free.
But unfortunately she became mentally ill as a result of what she had undergone. Mental systems don’t hold up very well under sustained extremitiesof strain and her mental health collapsed....
she was found by the French/Swiss authorities and admitted in a hospital there.
Well.... the world can be a very nasty place ... and for the innocent it can be very bad indeed.
Be that as it may be... the French girl’s mother managed to get to her and was staying with her...
One of #neemkarolibaba ‘s devotees/disciples heard about this situation after a few months .... and got to the hospital where the French girl was staying.
He met the girl’s mother and wanted to meet the girl to try and help her.
There he heard the most astonishing story...
Apparently, a few nights before, her daughter (the girl in question) had a vision of an old man wrapped in a checkered blanket in her room sorrounded by an ethereal light.
The old man patted her on the head and said something to the effect that “it was a very bad dream and it will soon go away... don’t worry”.
Then he patted her head a bit more and disappeared.
Well... believe it or not, the girl awoke in the morning fully cured of her mental troubles...
Hearing the story, the old disciple showed the mother of the girl a photo of #neemkarolibaba
They decided to go and show the girl the photo of baba.
The French girl was sitting in her room..
The old disciple produced the photo of #neemkarolibaba
The girl’s eyes lighted up and said... “Oh.. that’s him. He was here”!!!

The real masters don’t need the physical nor even faith... rnanubandha is all that matters.
I saw this happen at least once in my own life. My own Guru “Nakhate Maharaj” did this same adbhuta thing in the year 2000 just before he passed on.... nearly every disciple was visited like this wherever in the world they were.
Chamatkar kay bina Namaskaar nahi!
Jai Hanuman!
Jai Bajrang bali!
Jai Shree Rama.
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