aries mars ➫ the master thread
Aries is ruled by Mars, so an Aries mars person is at home with this placement. Mars is the planet of sexuality, passion, motivation, and what pushes us forward when we feel like giving up – but most importantly how we pick ourselves back up after we fall down.
Contrary to popular belief, just because this might arguably the easiest placement for a Mars person - doesn't necessarily mean Aries Mars people lead simple or easy lives. Mars energy inherently means that people might navigate the world unafraid to be honest.
But with honesty, there can always be an incredibly heavy amount of pushback. Aries mars people are often met with aggression earlier on in life, due to not understanding a world that is wrapped in superficialities. Due to this, they could experience harder lives (1/2)
People have difficulty with strong personalities, and an Aries mars person is often perceived as someone who stops at nothing to achieve their goals. This kind of determination can be incredibly intimidating for others, and often comes with skepticism/criticism.
It's easy for them to be misunderstood when Aries Mars people don't make their image the focal point of their lives. They're not focused on how much money someone has, or what their outfit looks like, as much as they are with what's underneath everything.
Similarly to Scorpio Mars people (who are also ruled by Mars), they are incredibly focused on what's real and honest. They want relationships with people that mean what the say, and coworkers that will do what they say they'll do.
Unlike Scorpio Mars people, they can be quite reckless with their opinions and often don't always think things through before proceeding. They wear their heart on their sleeve, and their thoughts quite readily come with this. Again, this could be why they are often misunderstood.
At their best, an Aries Mars person is who you want in your corner when you are on an uphill battle and the odds are stacked against you. They will always motivate you to keep trying and focus on your dreams over your reality. Aries Mars people have one mission in life: to live.
But at their worst, an Aries Mars person can be quite explosive. They spend a lot of time in life feeling or being misunderstood but choose to not acknowledge this - as they have bigger priorities to worry about. But, when they do - their wrath might be the scariest of them all.
An Aries Mars person is consumed by their love and curiosity about the world. They want to encourage people to be the best versions of themselves and want to simply be along for the ride of it all. They don't get caught up in titles or details, but feelings and experiences.
In love, an Aries Mars person is quick to fall extremely hard for people. They might not be incredibly traditional in the bedroom but are incredibly committed to everything they do. Making them A1 partners, as they are constantly wanting to challenge themselves/try new things.
Aries Mars people might arguably be the most authentic with how they love people, as they don't care about riches or fame as much as they do the soul of a person. Every experience they have is genuine, and rarely will you see them say or do something they don't feel is true.
IN SUMMARY: An Aries Mars person is fueled by the need to make sure they're not wasting their life. They understand time is a luxury, that is not always guaranteed at the end of the day - and they are motivated by the need to not miss out on anything while they're present.
So if you have an Aries Mars person in your life, let them talk about their ideas, find it endearing when their face lights up over something incredibly simple (like the fact it's raining and they are excited it's raining - even if it always rains).
Aries Mars ppl will be the first people to (honestly) be as enthusiastic for you as you reach your accomplishments, and motivate you to constantly preserve even if it doesn't even suit their interest to support your decisions. So tell them you love them, even if they say "I know"
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