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46 years ago while filming Jaws on May 25, 1974 there was a scene involving a lot of extras arriving at Amity Island. One of those extras is the woman in the photo on the right. Two months after this scene was shot, there was a murder of a woman
about 100 miles away which has become known as The Lady Of The Dunes. A 2010 composite of that murdered woman is the photo on the left. At her murder scene were a pair of folded blue jeans and a blue bandanna.
While watching Jaws several years ago, author Joe Hill noticed this woman and her remarkable resemblance to the woman murdered. The Jaws production team didn't record the names of any extras used throughout the film, and the casting director passed in 2009.
I have known a lot of extras over the years. To a person, they remember the movies where they appeared on screen. If it included a movie like Jaws, they would have told everyone and probably had a photo like this framed on their wall.
The people in that screenshot all know they were on screen in Jaws. They all told their friends and families. If that is not The Lady Of The Dunes in that photo, someone will know who she is, because she told people she was in Jaws. I am certain of it.
We can then stop speculating, and also ruin #AHS for next season. If it is The Lady Of The Dunes, then maybe someone was with her that day for filming or she introduced herself to someone. #TheLadyOfTheDunes was killed prior to Jaws being released.
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