Okay so imma touch on this nsfr/ not safe for Ramadan thing cause I think it’s important. As kind as the action / gesture is, it kinda just defeats the whole purpose of the meaning and intentions behind what Ramadan is all about. Ramadan is about self discipline (1)
And reflection and making yourself a better person. By putting TW’s on certain things it makes the period of fasting easier and fasting isn’t meant to be easy. Swearing does not break your fast, it reduces your reward, similarly with music, it doesn’t break your fast (2)
It reduces the reward, but ultimately it’s dependent on the person and what they decide to do. If you see a tweet and it has a curse word in it and you read it, it doesn’t ‘harm’ your fast because it wasn’t your intention to purposefully swear. (3)
If you don’t think you can handle twt during Ramadan then don’t come online, the situation around you isn’t meant to be halal or ‘easier’
However if someone sends pictures of food water etc with malicious intent on tempting someone to break their fast that is ‘makrooh’ (4)
(disliked) And considered an unlawful action in Islam. A lot of Muslims (including myself) watch mukbangs to pass the time !
Again, as kind as the action is by putting nsfr, you’re doing a disservice to us and making the period of Ramadan counter productive 💗 (5)
Gonna leave this here ! (6)
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