I've quoted this passage from Trump -- where he states his intent to cause riots and US economic collapse -- so many times. He flat-out announced it. In my new book HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT I quote my own 2016 essay warning what he would do... http://www.hidinginplainsightbook.com 
And here's the clip itself: https://twitter.com/sarahkendzior/status/760138270558687232?s=19
And here's another recent essay I wrote with several decades of citations regarding Trump's sadistic pleasure in watching people die and profiting off destruction https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-plague-of-donald-trump/
Trump told you his plans. His backers -- the true source of power -- often told you their plans. The levels of compromise and complicity required to make this nightmare possible is enormous; it goes back decades. That's why I wrote a book documenting it.
We will not survive unless people stop lying about the severity of the threat and about the rot of our institutions.

As I wrote in HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT, "You feel haunted by the alternative America that could have existed had people told the truth."

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