Folks, the human trafficking industry is comparable in size to the illicit drug trade. An estimated twenty five million people around the world today are being held captive, manipulated, and abused by evil human traffickers. 23,000 human trafficking victims in the United States.
Why is it rarely rarely rarely mentioned in the mainstream media? Especially when a President finally said he wants to eradicate as much as he could?

Mass systematic child exploitation is occurring right under our nose people.

This has been going on for thousands of years.
Little children and women are being abused by menANDwomen, often at the hands of the people entrusted to protect them. From sex trafficking, to organ harvesting, and even large Satanic rituals, children, by the millions, are being subjected to torture at the hands of pure evil.
Trump is dismantling the criminal organizations that make largescale human trafficking possible folks.

His admin is fighting these monsters, persecuting and prosecuting them, and locking them away for a very long time. A tremendous track record — the best in a long time.
In 2018, the Department of Justice shut down the leading site for online sex trafficking.  The DOJ prosecuted a number of violent crimes so far.  That now is a record number. But nothing to celebrate for this sickness is truly biblical in size.
In the last three years, ICE has arrested over 5,000 evil human traffickers. And I want to thank ICE.  They have been so incredible. These are great, great people. Great.  Great people.  They’re tough, they’re brave, and they really do love our country. This is why Ds HATE ice.
Overseas, Trump has also seen historic prog- — really, progress, incredible progress.

When he took office, ISIS controlled over 20,000 square miles perpetrated some of most heinous forms of human trafficking anywhere in the world.  As you know, he's bombed the shit out of them.
Trumps administration is putting unprecedented pressure on traffickers at home and abroad, and we are freeing innocent victims at every single turn. He's 1st Commander-in-Chief to attend President’s Interagency Task Force established by Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.
He is also the first President to sign an executive order to establish a Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives. 

He signed it recently.

And this has a very special focus on women and girls.

That’s an incredible thing that’s been happening.
He has signed nine pieces of bipartisan (only because they were forced to sign) legislation aimed specifically at combatting human trafficking domestically and around the globe in large. Really this is beautiful people you really have no idea. This is a fearless leader. Finally.
He has signed legislation strengthening the Blue Campaign, which unified the Department’s fight against this disease and — increasing public awareness every single day. Trump has signed more legislation on human trafficking, by far, than any other admin has even thought about.
I wish he would do a lot more but Trump is doing what’s necessary. He is doing exactly what’s necessary.  There’s nothing more horrible than this evil sickness that is plaguing earth. This stretches from small pizza shop owners all the way to the richest people on this planet.
He has enacted bills to fight sex trafficking, increase support for survivors, raise the standards by which we judge whether other countries are meeting their duty to fight human trafficking. And you have countries that talk and they talk. They’re like politicians in Washington.
Trump authorized $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking. And has and will hold foreign governments accountable for failing to address human trafficking by imposing restrictions on foreign assistance — and very powerful restrictions. I support Trump's war on traffickers.
Trump has prioritized increasing funding for anti-trafficking efforts in his 2021 budget, allocating $70 million towards enhanced prosecutions and — at Department of Justice. He is spending $123 million towards supporting state and local efforts on the fight against trafficking.
And this is all new funding folks, & these funds will directly benefit those on the frontlines who are tasked with bringing down the perpetrators of this terrible crime.  So the kind of money we’re talking about now is far greater than what you’ve had in the past. It's a war.
This nation took historic step to protect the victims of this form of modern-day slavery here in the United States and all around the world. you can read what you want, you can say what you want, but nobody has done more than what Donald Trump has been doing on human trafficking.
On the last day of this year’s National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, Trump took another very decisive action. He signed an executive order targeting human trafficking and child exploitation all across our country.  This order — And this is a very big one:
This order will build on incredible work that —&, really, the unbelievable work that so many of the great & brave people in that field have been doing, and all of the work that has been done and increasingly is being done every single day. These children need us, & we need them.
You probably wouldn’t believe the level — the level of enthusiasm that people working on this specific issue have. Knowing the Commander-In-Chief is leading this fight. You will never see such enthusiasm for a single issue as you have for human trafficking, that is a fact.
And I have to say, that starts with Barr and Wray, the FBI. There are good and bad people with any large group.  It starts with all of the people in law enforcement.  So important.  And it’s something that people really do appreciate, despite the disgusting tactics of others.
They collect they coordinate.  They share vital law enforcement and intelligence information with other places all over the world, and — very, very important. This problem is it’s so massive. It’s so many people. It’s so many countries.  But DJT has made a tremendous impact.
President Donald Trump's most recent human trafficking order expands prevention education programs, promotes housing opportunities for survivors, and prioritizes the removal of child sexual abuse material from the Internet.
And furthermore, it takes the vital step of ****designating a full-time position here at the White House dedicated solely to combating the human trafficking disease,**** so people know just how important it really is. Especially since the mainstream media NEVER talks about it.
Trump says we have — a set of voluntary principles to tackle online child sexual exploitation and abuse.  And the level of detail and pure evil, the kinnds of things that they’re doing to these innocent humans now — nobody has ever seen anything like this before.
The people that are working on this do it with incredible heart and love, and they want something to happen.  They don’t want to be wasting time like people have been wasting for many years. They’ve been wasting time (on purpose) and not a lot of money, I have to tell you.
President Trump has said multiple times he will not rest until we’ve stopped every last human trafficker and liberated every last survivor. His administration is absolutely committed to eradicating this evil as much as possible. This should be one of the biggest stories today.
Trump just added a newest member (who is a trafficking victim brought into this country) to his new U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.

The Council is composed of survivor leaders who bring their experience and expertise to advise and provide recommendations to POTUS.
They represent a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences and they are sincerely grateful to this administration for appointing their current (inaudible) members to support federal government efforts to prevent and improve human trafficking programs and policies.
They view the existence of this council as a major step in victory for trafficking survivors in the federal government. This council is a model for survivor empowerment and survivor-centered approaches that other countries, states, and localities may learn from and adapt.
This council shows in real and tangible ways how survivors can positively impact and inform anti-trafficking efforts throughout the world and at the highest levels of government.
To truly be survivor-centered and informed means to not only prioritize survivors’ needs or wishes and service delivery, it must also include meaningful collaboration with survivors to inform the design and implementation of the very policies and programs that affect them.
No survivors should ever be viewed by their trafficking or lived experiences alone. Trump has taken and will continue to take decisive action to bring bloodthirsty human traffickers to justice, their victims to safety, and to help survivors walk the difficult road to recovery.
As the President has made clear, from his heart, we have a President who knows human trafficking is not only an unconscionable evil, but an epidemic in the world today.  And the United States of America will confront it as never before.
Our founding documents attest that we believe that every person is endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. President DJT is showing America's commitment to the justice and dignity and worth of every person.
This is to the victims and survivors out there: It’s never been your fault, no matter what.  So let go of that toxic shame; it doesn’t belong to you.  You are never too old, too lost, or too broken to begin healing today.
Hope is key, and even if it starts out as small as a mustard seed, nurture hope — it’ll truly save you. 

And most importantly, you are not alone.  You’re not alone.  You’re not alone. 

God bless America.
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