Theo’s using “What’s that flower? From @dkbooks to identify the 26 wild flowers for our #TwoPointSixChallenge

1. White Dead Nettle. Did you know it’s stems are square? And it doesn’t sting! Phew. #wildflowers #TootingCommon #BowelCancer #Fundraising
2. Gorse. Just look at those flowers against that sky! Careful though - it’s covered in spikes. Smells like a day at the beach.
#twopointsixchallenge #wildflowers #tootingcommon #bowelcancer #fundraising @bowelcanceruk
3. Cow Parsley. Bigger than Theo! Lots of it too. #twopointsixchallenge #tooting #fundraising @bowelcanceruk @dkbooks

That’s it for today - three more tomorrow! X
Here’s a recap of yesterday’s finds: White Dead Nettle, Cow Parsley and Gorse. Just wait till you see what we found today in our #twopointsixchallenge ! #bowelcancer #fundraaising @JustGiving
5/26 is the dramatic Jack in a Pulpit, or Lords and Ladies as it’s sometimes know. Don’t touch it’s red berries - they’re poisonous! #twopointsixchallenge #wildflowers #bowelcancer #fundraising #dkbooks
6/26 It wouldn’t be Spring in the woods without Bluebells! They smell heavenly and we love the white and pink ones too. 😍 #twopointsixchallenge @bowelcanceruk #wildflowers #fundraising

That’s it for today. 3 more tomorrow! X
7/26 Here’s Herb Robert. You don’t have to get to a park to see its cheery flowers. Always wondered how it got it’s name. 😊 #twopointsixchallenge #bowelcancer #fundraising
9/26 Garlic Mustard. Surrounded by nettles! #twopointsixchallenge #bowelcancer #fundraising @bowelcanceruk
10/26 It’s Comfrey! We spotted this hiding in Cow Parsley and Garlic Mustard. Under a tree. Told you Theo has eagle eyes! #twopointsixchallenge @bowelcanceruk #fundraising
A recap on yesterday’s #wildflowers Herb Robert, Garlic Mustard and Violet. Theo found some more today! Coming up. #twopointsixchallenge #bowelcancer #fundraising
12/26 Wild Garlic. So pretty and smells delicious 😋 #twopointsixchallenge #bowelcancer #fundraising
A recap from yesterday’s #wildflowers Wild Garlic, Dandelion and Comfrey. We have three more today! #twopointsixchallenge raising money for @bowelcanceruk #teambowelcancer
Whoops - here’s the pic!
13/26 Half way there! Now this little flower is easily overlooked. It’s Shepherd’s Purse, and if zoom in you can see little purse-shaped seed cases! They look like 💚 to us. 😊 #twopointsixchallenge @bowelcanceruk
14/26 Buttercups! This is the bulbous variety and they have very reflective petals. Hold one under your chin and if it glows yellow, custom has it that you like butter! #twopointsixchallenge @bowelcanceruk #fundraising #teambowelcancer
15/26 BREAKING: Here’s the first Red Campion! Found in woodland and waysides, we’re expecting to see lots more in the coming days. Exciting to find something new!

#twopointsixchallenge #bowelcancer #wildflowers #fundraising
16/26 First sighting of Cukooflower, or Lady’s Smock. Folklore says it’s a favourite of the fairies 🧚‍♂️ 🧚‍♀️ so its unlucky to pick it. And it’s the county flower of #Cheshire. Please support Theo's #twopointsixchallenge for @bowelcanceruk
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