Social media addiction is destroying our reading comprehension. It’s training our minds to jump frenetically from image to image. We give opinions on articles, having only read the title. We struggle to hold our focus for a single paragraph. We are literally losing our minds.->
We accept anything our favorite voices say about anyone w/out source checking. The ramifications of our colossal loss of focus are titanic. Great books will not only not be read. They won’t be written. Countless projects will start & never finish.We’re being told as Bible study->
curricula writers that people are asking for much shorter lessons. We want the spiritual maturity of mighty saints of the past on 2 minute devotionals. Ain’t happening. Audiences rate messages based on tweetables or instagrammables. Fellow communicators, quit giving in to that.->
This is why I did a silly crossword puzzle. Because a mind’s a terrible thing to waste. This is why we will keep writing Bible studies, God willing, with lessons that take more than 2 minutes even if only 10 people do them. Because it takes TIME & STUDY to get to know God. This->
is why we must keep reading books. Real books. Books with actual chapters. This is why, above all, we must keep reading our Bibles when God obviously couldn’t have cared less whether we could find a single tweetable in Leviticus. Social media addiction makes smart people stupid.
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