[[Final Four! I will continue this thread with information on each of the characters. Please read the info before voting, as maybe youโ€™ll like a concept of a different one after you vote.
[[1. Eagle

Their name is either Alder or Ezio.

Their abilities could include being able to create large gusts of wind with a single CLAP and have supersonic screeching.

They also own an Extreme Gear Shop and is really good at riding it.

Voice Claim:
[[2. Octopus

Their name is Bloop, no questions asked.

They are good swimmers, have extra arms, are very smart, can grapple onto things and can shoot ink.

His extra arms could be robotic. Unsure right now.

Voice claim: Future Steven Universe
[[3. Kangaroo

Their name is either Jack or Josh.

They can jump super high, have enhanced strength, and their power is used best when kicking. They use brawn more than brain. They also have an Australian accent.

Voice Claim: Sniper from TF2
[[4. Hornet

Their name is unknown right now. Iโ€™ve had trouble thinking of one.

They can fly high and fast, and they can use their stinger as both a weapon and a projectile. Their stinger does grow back.

Voice Claim: Falco Lombardi
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