A thread about the biggest fraud in the FIFA modding community.

This was long overdue but due to recent events today we will expose a scam artist that has taken advantage of our community and ignorant players for quite some while.

The scammer we will be talking about today is an individual called FIFER Mods aka Lewis or LWS.

Before proceeding please remember that FIFER has little to no actual modding/codding skills and you will understand why by following this thread.

FIFER came into the scene a year ago and released ‘his’ first modding project late in the FIFA 19 season. By modding project we mean taking @paulv2k4 GP mod (shared for free), editing a few values and republish it under a different name: http://www.soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/fifers-realism-mod.6466649/

Paulv2k4 has been a gameplay modder since FIFA 11 and most of the data and knowledge we know about the past and current FIFA gameplay code is thanks to his research and codding experience alongside other GP modders like beta990, ac12 or Fidel.

Of course all that knowledge was shared for free with every other modder to allow them to build their own mods and share it with others: http://www.soccergaming.com/index.php?search/10790599/&q=paulv2k4&o=date&c[title_only]=1

As you can see, our community shares mods and knowledge freely and has been doing it for almost 20 years.

Shortly after being called out for copying paulv2k4’s mod and noticing how our community works,FIFER came up with a brilliant plan: setup a Patreon page and sell free mods to ignorant users. And he has been doing that for almost a year now, amounting almost $4.000 a month.(6/14)
The base of the mod he's selling is paulv2k4’s mod mentioned above and every other single material included in ‘his’ mod is either stolen or outsourced (because he doesn’t know how to mod) by allegedly paying actual modders who in most cases manipulates and scams them.

He doesn’t even know how to search for basic graphic files inside FIFA and offers money to actual modders to show him how to do it.

Everything that he claims as exclusive is actually already available for free, thus scamming his own supporters.

Here’s an example of him and one of his former collaborators ripping free content from FIP20.

Despite cashing that amount of money on a monthly base from his fraudulent patreon scheme, he constantly ask for more money and donations every single chance he gets.

The main topic is always money!

Moreover, he convinced several FIFA youtubers to support his scam which some even promote it on their channels. We will not list their names as they may not know who they are dealing with but promoting a fraudulent scheme created by an alleged minor is illegal.

Let alone if they feature unauthorized/stolen content (included in FIFER’s mod) in their videos, original authors can claim the copyright on that material.

As of now FIFER has been banned on every known FIFA modding board or similar discord channels except his own.

If you want to keep FIFA mods/tools free and available to everyone and avoid scammers like FIFER in our community simply do not pay for mods hidden behind a paywall.

If you have been scammed by FIFER simply report his pages (patreon, twitter, etc) for fraud and scam activities.

Please share this thread for awareness! #FiferScam #KeepModsFree

You can follow @FIFA_Infinity.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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