🇺🇸PATRIOTS-I’m Saying It!🇺🇸

This will take a few twts, so bare with me. I have a point to make & supporting info. I’ve been haunted...

💥I believe the #ChinaFlu #COVID19 #WuhanVirus could be/is a War Crime or at the very least a Crime Againt Humanity-per the UN definition.
POTUS doesn’t use words loosely. Words matter. March 22, during a #Covid_19 briefing, POTUS states “We’re at war. In a true sense, we’re at war.”
April 1, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milly addresses military preparedness during the #coronavirus period.

During the briefing Milly refers to US being at war.

Are we,have we been? Does this lay the groundwork for possible charges? https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=D46A0F449ADFDFDCA62BD46A0F449ADFDFDCA62B&shtp=GetUrl&shid=df826266-6051-4258-8483-3474ba91c932&shtk=R2VuLiBNaWxsZXkgT24gVGlwIFRvIFNtdWdnbGUgSWxpY2l0IERydWdzIER1cmluZyBDT1ZJLTE5IFBhbmRlbWljIHwgNC0wMS0yMDIw&shdk=Q2hhaXJtYW4gb2YgdGhlIEpvaW50IENoaWVmcyBvZiBTdGFmZiBHZW4uIE1hcmsgTWlsbGV5IHRhbGtzIG9mIHByZXBhcmVkbmVzcyBieSBVLlMuIEZvcmNlcyB0byB0YWNrbGUgdHJhbnNuYXRpb25hbCBjYXJ0ZWxzIG9uIHRoZWlyIHBsYW5zIHRvIHNtdWdnbGUgZWxpY2l0IGRydWdzIGludG8gdGhlIGNvdW50cnkgZHVyaW5nIHRoZSBjb3JvbmF2aXJ1cyBwZXJpb2QsIGF0IGEgV2hpdGUgSG91c2UgYnJpZWZpbmcgb24gV2VkbmVzZGF5LCBBcHJpbCAxLCAyMDIwLg%3D%3D&shhk=zo961oKm9JsSNWcnu8SanMMb%2BI79ULC1S67YQvPb2nQ%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OSH.yuxyf42JaCtqCOTfKEoXmQ
It has been established:
📍China has been lying for months
📍 #China knew, allowed & spread #Coronavirus worldwide
📍 #Wuhan lab modified virus making it more lethal
📍Patient zero disappeared
📍Those that warned the Intnl community died
📍 #WHO knew & has been covering for #CCP
📍In late Jan at least 4 Senators sold stock after receiving a #virus briefing

📍What defines War?

⭐️100,000+ human beings Murdered
⭐️Livelihoods of millions destroyed
⭐️International pandemic
⭐️Global economic destruction

POTUS Actions saved millions
❓Are We At War, if so consider...

The United Nations definition of War Crimes
❓Violation of Geneva Convention?
❓Willful killing
❓Employing poison
❓Cause suffering, injury to body or health
Per the United Nations definition of Crimes Against Humanity

📍Crimes do not need to be linked to armed conflict
📍Deprivation of civil liberty
📍Systematic attack
📍Furtherance of a state or organization policy

At the very least, #CrimesAgainstHumanity have been committed!
You can follow @KimPKAG2020.
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