Joe Biden is going to lose.
Joe Biden's current strategy is to try and appeal to racist by saying Trump isn't racist enough. It's never going to work.
The far right is ultimately loyal to Trump. He's trying to defeat his opponent by dividing his allies and attacking where is for is strongest. This isn't the strategy of a lunatic, it's the strategy of an idiot.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but this whole election feels like the Dems WANTING to lose. Like, the alternative to Biden was Bernie and they'd rather Trump win because he's closer to there alignment than Bernie.
I can make the Trump Vs. Biden case. I'm still going to vote for Biden, just to keep guilt off my conscience. But I'm convinced he's going to lose. It's so obvious that I don't know how dems are missing it. Which makes me think they aren't.
Biden couldn't have won in 2016, before the gop took the hoods off. He sure as hell can't win now.
We're so fucked.
Biden is a worse John Kerry. Biden is a worse Al Gore. Biden is the same milquetoast pile of rotten mayonnaise the Dems have been convinced is electable for the past 30 years despite losing almost every time, but somehow, amazingly, worse.
Do you know how much you have to suck to make me miss John Kerry?
Do you know how much you have to such to make me even REMEMBER John Kerry?
My favorite part of all this is that Dems are destroying any ability to criticize someone for being a sex predator so they can nominate a senile bigot who is going to lose harder than Hilary.
Democrats are going to lose this election and learn just as much from it as the last one, which is to say nothing. The democratic party has to be destroyed and rebuilt into something capable of actually helping people or we are doomed.
Show me a reality where someone could be this stupid on purpose.
Even if Biden had a moment of clarity and dropped out tommorow, imagine all the time that's been wasted by his campaign that could have been used by his replacement. Even if the Dems woke up, we'd still be fucked.
I could keep updating this thread with the recent botches but it feels like beating a dead horse at this point. #JoeBidenIsRacist
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