If 100,000 people got out and only one person committed a new crime the press would have that one person on the cover of every single newspaper nationwide

<maybe, just maybe, every once in a while the story is the people who got out and didn't commit a new crime>
There was recidivism before #Covid_19
There is recidivism AFTER releases

You have to compare recidivism rates BEFORE releases with recidivism rates AFTER releases

Anecdotes make for TERRIBLE public policy and don't make us safer #LetMIPeopleGO
People are released every day, there is a baseline of recidivism, what matters after reform is if the amount of recidivism increases or decreases.

But the press takes single anecdotal examples and makes them the entire story, ignoring the recidivism rate before and success
Real, ethical journalism takes the time to get the story right, to put things in CONTEXT in order to ensure people understand the entire story.

These days, many journalists are over-worked and underpaid and incentivized or encouraged to spew as much fear as possible
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