I’m running for District Leader against the person responsible for this “mistake”.

Let’s be real- it’s either incredibly negligent or a sign of run-of-the-mill corruption to do this after a @nytimes article called out this practice in 2018.
1/? https://twitter.com/NickforAstoria/status/1250850999058731016
The way that the Queens Democratic Party has kept the balance of power in the hands of a select few, is to make the process incredibly complicated, and then to bury anyone challenging them in legal proceedings. 2/?
This is what happened to to me, and a slew of other candidates for County Committee here in Queens in 2018. 3/?

https://twitter.com/shawna_morlock/status/1094803262849667072?s=21 https://twitter.com/shawna_morlock/status/1094803262849667072
The only way this will ever stop is by having regular folks get on the ballot, and to have fair elections. I’m so incredibly grateful that groups like @ReformersNew have made this possible for folks like me. 4/?
@ReformersNew have provided legal resources and guidance for folks like me to make it onto the ballot (which is a Herculean task when running against a machine-endorsed candidate in Queens). It’s almost impossible to participate unless you have support like this.
Since the beginning of this quarantine, I’ve made it a point to volunteer and help my neighbors through mutual aid groups, and have let the campaigning take a back seat. This is a wake up call. 6/?
When things get back to “normal” (whatever that even means any more), we need to show the powers that be that we’re not going to let the old corrupt ways stand. 7/?
I’m happy to be on the ballot for District Leader, with the help of @ReformersNew, and all of the other candidates that want real change in our local politics.

See you at the polls June 23rd. ✊🏻

You can follow @shawna_morlock.
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