I've started drawing the tarot deck of cute squishy boys. Let's see how far I get (if I even continue beyond today)
The Magician represents skill and diplomacy, and is traditionally depicted with a scroll in their right hand pointed towards the heavens and their left hand pointed to the earth.


I realised the purple was ALL WRONG so I went back to fix that
The High Priestess. Intuition and divine feminity. This one was tough! I didn't want to go straight to drag queens (although there'll be some, I find a whole lot of drag problematic as all hell) so working out the women in the major arcana is going to be an adventure.
To further this adventure, I tweeted the cropped version of the updated Magician, presumably for the same reason I am a constant stream of typos.
The Empress, who is somehow both nature and nurture, but let's not look too deeply into that right now huh.
Of course The Emperor was going to be Daddy AF.
The Hierophant. @FreelanceCynic decided this card was the most him, so here he is. He's the counterpart to the high priestess, so unlike the empress/emperor, I figured I'd keep the colour scheme.
The Lovers. I make no apologies.
The Chariot. Control, willpower, success, action, determination.
Now YOU might say drawing yourself for Strength is oddly arrogant but let me tell you that reversed it represents self doubt and raw emotion and you'll understand I had no choice
Next one. Less detailed, still working with traditional symbolism and meaning though, particularly drawing on the Rider Waite deck.
Today's #cutesquishytarot features @valiant_bee, who bravely volunteered for Wheel Of Fortune. I'm worried that in my reluctance to stick too close to the original, I've gone a bit too obvious, but hey ho. In a card representing cycles, why not have a bike on it.
Justice. Really loving the cards where I'm picturing trans guys and POC, and this card felt like a particularly important one.
The Hanged Man. Pause, surrender, letting go. I don't know if I got that far from the traditional imagery, but this was fun anyway. Featuring @dafyddsean
Well, if pop culture hasn't taught you by now- Death isn't a bad tarot card. It's not about dying, it's about change and things ending. In reverse it means stagnation. I'm a big believer in ongoing change being important, so I'm glad I came up with a card I'm happy with.
Next up in the #cutesquishytarot is Temperance, which is all about balance and purpose. This is definitely one of the cards that just... has a lot going on, in the traditional Rider Waite deck. I hope this version is a goodun.
That there @w_gawned volunteered for The Devil, all about sexuality, addiction and shadow self. Let it be known, this is less overtly sexual than it could have been, as it's just one of those cards. Y'welcome.
This one feels appropriate for lockdown, but it just happened that adapting symbolism for sudden change featuring lightning bolts knocking off crowns turned into something topical. The Tower.
The Star! This is the home stretch for the major arcana, but I'd definitely appreciate volunteers to feature on some minor arcana cards, as there are... many.
The Moon! This one featuring @catharsisjelly. This is more crustaceans than I expected to draw today.
A distraction from the confusing and bleak news of the day: the card that's all about innocence and joy: The Sun.
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