will protecting tessa w his back even tho he knew he couldve died from that shrapnel, will burning his hands teying to save what was left of jem's yin fen, will distancing himself from tessa when he found out she was engaged to jem even though it hurt him, will firmly stating
that he would not be with tessa if it came at the expemse of jem's health or happiness, will buying jem yin fen with his own money, will buying jem a jade pendant to help ease his homesickness, jem agreeing to be
will's parabatai bc he thought this way will would open up more,
jem deciding to become a silent brother even though he knew he'd live a miserable life bc he was afraid of losing will and tessa so soon then coming to fight to defeat mortmain, jem loving and protecting will & tessa's children as if they were his own, tessa loving will and jem
equally bc they are a soul in two bodies, tessa distancing herself from will even though it hurt her for jem's sake to whom she was already engaged, tessa fiercely protecting jem and their engagement saying that even if they didnt find a cure for jem she will cherish all their
moments together bc she loves him, will and tessa having a happy marriage bc they are in love while also being sad that jem couldnt be more present in their life, tessa always wearing jem's jade pendant bc she loves him, tessa meeting yearly at his favourite place in london,
tessa always wearing will's pearl bracelet that he had given to her for their 30th wedding anniversary bc she loves him, jem trying to find out tessa's greater demon father's identity for her, tessa not being able to love jem as she does if she didn't love will as she did,
tessa not being able to love will as she does if she didn't love jem as she did, tessa always only ever loving will and jem, tessa suggesting to jem that they travel the world and re-begin their relationship when, on their 130th yearly meeting, she saw not a silent brother,
but the jem she had initially met bc their love persisted all these years, tessa renting an apartment in london under the name "tessa herondale carstairs", jem and tessa having a happy marriage despite always missing will, tessa deciding that having children again is worth it
as long as it is with one of the loves of her life and because she knows her life has always been fated for love as well as loss, tessa and jem trying to find the descendant of the lost herondale for will's sake and later adopting and loving said descendant.
will, jem and tessa having a love so strong that it transcends life and death.

yes i am emo over one (1) trio.

art by @/CassandraJP
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