Collaborate With Other Creators:
Why Royalties are Your Friends.

A thread.

Which of the following is likely to make us rich & famous in the #DnD #DmsGuild #TTRPG world?
* An 20-creator anthology that splits royalties
* Editing/layout for a new creator for royalties when it might not sell any copies
* Letting other folks bounce ideas off us for no royalties
* Promoting others as enthusiastically as we do ourselves
* Game design. Period.
Answer: not a darn one.

So why collaborate with anyone that's "lower on the totem pole" than us? Why toot other people's horns unless we want them to Notice Us because they are Important People? Why be generous and open and invest in others regardless of the benefit to us?
Well, one, it makes us neat people and we can feel warm & fuzzy.

If that's not enough, because it *does* benefit us. Every favor we do for a newbie. Every collab where we might not make more than a few bucks. Every helpful tip & encouraging tweet & promo for someone else's work.
Why? Because looking out for ourselves & turning this competition still won't make us rich or famous--just lonely.

We all have our dreams about what "Making It" looks like. Maybe your dream is being a sought-after freelancer, or getting hired by Your Favorite Publisher.
And so we all spend a lot of time and energy trying to Be Important and Get Noticed.

But the way to make it big in this industry (or any!) has very little to do with talent, and has a lot to do with networking.
Which isn't bad! Because it means that those people that are good collaborators and loyal friends and reliable people will be the ones that *others* remember when *they* make it big.
If you try to make it big on your own & you won't collaborate unless it'll directly benefit you & everything focuses on your own business, you're going to miss out when someone you could've been dear friends with--but didn't bother with--gets hired by Your Favorite Publisher.
We shouldn't worry about Getting Noticed. Because chances are, we won't be anyway, regardless of what we do.
Instead, worry about Being A Friend. If someone you love lucks out and *they* make it big, they'll remember the meaning and love and joy you brought to them. And that's when you might Get Noticed--because they saw you all along, because you saw them all along.
And even better--even if not a single one of us Get Noticed and ever become rich or famous--our lives will be full of meaning and love and joy. And that's when the world begins to change.
You can follow @laura_hirsb.
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