I'm just tired of Mr Enters bullshit so much. I tried waiting to see whether he would get better and I tried supporting him, but day by day he has some shitty take so here is a thread on him I guess
Let me just say this isn't an attack on anyone involved with Mr enter. I think his editors are fine people. Well mostly Crimson...
Mr enter to me is at his most insufferable when he trying to be fake woke. By this I mean accusing others of doing representation and politics wrong, but clearly doesn't care for representation in the first place.
For example in his ROTMNT review he compares April to racial caricatures for some reason, and in his El Tiger of doing Mexican representation wrong, and say the people behind this probably don't know anything about Mexican culture even though the creator is literally Mexican..
...and literally directed The Book of Life. Bro just say you think representation is political and you wouldn't be happy with it anyway. He also accuses DC Superhero Girls of having toxic feminism. Then he goes on about how a lot of activists have low opinions on minorities....
...They are supporting. And then he goes on about how Wonder Woman (who is a teenager in this show BTW) is being butchered by falling for a guy and having this mess with her routine, even though this is typical for teenagers to do and I'd common in a lot of...
...shows with or without teenagers. Like Adventure Time and Regular Show.
In his Worst cartoons of the decade video he states that calling Trump the Orange Man is comparable to racism and I don't want to explain why that argument is stupid sometimes here is a comment on that video.
Mr Enter: Calling Trump the orange man is racist
Also Enter: Calling coronavirus a Chinese disease isnt
(Deletes Deviantart blog later)
I think the video that really triggered me to make this thread was his bullshit video on COVID 19 he released recently sold go watch thst if you could. Not everything is bad, but there is so much wrong with it, it could be a thread of its own.
It's funny cuz nowhere in his video doess he put South Park even that show is supremely political (Yes snarky centrism is political enter). But hey politics are only done well if it's my politics.
He also believes anything is politics being shoved down ones throat that I'll believe he'll hate these shows.
Glitch Techs
Craig Of The Creek
Victor and Valentino
(probably for some forced diversity bullshit)
He also ignores how classical Simpsons, Rockos Modern Life and Avatar are all classic shows which are political. Like literally Mr Burns is almost always in negative light in The Simpsons and the towns ignorance to environmentalism is always satirized you idiot.
There are some grammatical errors I've made, but I don't take back anything I've said.
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