THREAD: Bnei Brak's 210k ultra-Orthodox live 8-12 to a 700-sq-ft avg apartment. Their lives revolve around crowded, ritual group activity: prayer 3x a day, study in yeshivas. They shun the mass media and don't trust government. The coronavirus was tailor-made to clobber them. 1/
But a strange thing happened, just as the virus was getting out of control: The mayor, quarantined himself, reached out for help to soldiers, of all people. And the soldiers were thrilled to be of service. 2/
A few senior reserve officers, led by Maj. Gen. Ronny Numa, took charge. One quickly set up an ops center with state-of-the-art tech giving a 3-D view of every building in town — anyone who'd tested positive, each elderly resident, each synagogue and yeshiva, and much more. 3/
By keeping everyone at home, and delivering meals to those who were sick, the commanders and soldiers quickly cut the spread of disease more than in half. 4/
Passover posed a special challenge, but the rabbis met the army halfway. This video, produced by city/military officials, shows a collective burning of chometz, a ritual incineration that precedes the holiday. Normally it's done en masse, but rabbis agreed it was too risky. 5/
Officials wanted the sick to move to a quarantine hotel, but found that asking nicely wasn't enough. They needed persuading. What did the trick? Photos showing that at the hotel, they could pray, eat and study in groups — and even dance: 6/
The mayor now says he's proudest of his residents' "compliance and obedience" — a jab back at non-Orthodox Israelis who accused Bnei Brak residents of flouting the rules. Truth is, many had never heard what the rules were. 7/
The streets are mostly empty now. But prayers can still be heard like clockwork — only from balconies and rooftops. “The acoustics are wonderful, and you can hear it through the city,” city's chief rabbi says. "We’re all hoping that God will hear our prayers and bring health.” 8/
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