What I love about JPII despite my thorough disagreements with him, and the reason why I read his encyclicals over and over and over again, is the fierce commitment to moral reasoning. This is so lacking in the new post-liberals, who pass off vague genealogies or terms as /1
arguments. “Experts are self-interested,” “liberalism is technocratic,” “x that I don’t like is alienating,” “we’ve abandoned classical ideas of virtue,” “we’ve abandoned traditional authorities and virtues” are sociological observations, not justifications. And yet it was /2
ironically Plato (and later Kant), two giants of the “Western Tradition™” who introduced radical justification, thereby grounding the search for morals and not just mores. This thread brought to you by me reviewing evangelium vitae and watching postlibstweet at sametime 3/3
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